Monday, September 8, 2008


-I explained your 2 part Civic Engagement Project. Civic Engagement is defined as: "Individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern." A detailed assignment outline will be given to you soon.
1) Group: 10 hours Civic Engagement Project done as a group. Give some thought to what we can do as a group. Talk to Dan.
2) Individual: Attend 3 FPU sponsored events. One sporting event. One club/organization sponsored event. One other event of your choice.
-Dan & I gave our introduction presentations.
-We started show & tell.

-Bring show & tell items back. We will start class on Wednesday with this activity.
-Be ready to start introduction presentations. Email it to me and bring on a flashdrive.
-Start working on your Goals & Expectations essay.

-We started by going over the semester paper/presentation.
-We discussed "successful" companies, and the common characteristics that all have.
-We began discussing Drucker Chapter 1.

-Look over Drucker Chapter 1. We will finish on Wednesday.
-Give thought to a research topic.

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