Tuesday, September 9, 2008


-I explained the semester assignments (Group Presentation, Into The Wild Blog, Industry Professional Interview).

-Read 9/11 article.
-Read textbook Chapters 8 &9.
-Set up your blog and e-mail me your url.
-Give thought to who you want to interview.
-Give thought to who you want to work with for the group presentation.

-I explained the semester project & the group presentation.
-We began our discussion of Chapter 1 focussing on the need for quality facility management and the key leadership qualities.

-Study for Quiz #1.
-Be ready to discuss the second half of Chapter 1.

-Key leadership qualities that cause people to follow?
-Leadership qualities?
-Functional Leadership Model
-Managerial Grid Model
-Be able to explain the following legislation (Title VII, Title IX, ADA)
-Steps for developing a policies & procedures manual
-What benefits can sponsoring an event/facility do for the sponsor?
-What benefits can a sponsor do for the event/facility?

A little old, but here is an article discussing diversity at McDonald's(Chapter 2).
-I explained the semester group project. Give thought to who you want to work with. Groups will be picked at the beginning of lass next Tuesday. No more than 5 per group.
-We, or should I say "I," discussed Chapter 1. I expect conversation will pick up after the quiz on Thursday. Remember, we can openly discuss the chapter information or you can constantly be tested through pop quizzes and papers.

-Study for Quiz #1.
-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 2.
-Give thought to who you want to work with for the semester group project.

-What is OB & why study it?
-What are the 4 OB movements and be able to explain each.
-What is the Hawthorne Effect?
-Difference between Theory X & Theory Y?
-85/15 Rule?
-Management skills that apply to good OB?
-Attributes of good 21st century managers?
-General moral principles for managers?
-What are some key components of McDonalds diversity programs?
-Define discrimination & affirmative action.
-Identify 2 barriers/challenges to managing diversity.

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