Thursday, September 18, 2008


-You took Quiz #1.
-We finished our discussion of Chapters 8 & 9. Our discussion focused on the physiological, psychological, and social & interpersonal benefits of laughter and humor.

-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 1.
-Complete Exercise 1.1. First, generate a list of the 10 activities that you participate in the most. These activities can be leisure (working out) or nonleisure (working a job). Next, take that list of 10 activities and place them into on of the 6 categories shown in Exercise 1.1.

It was clear that the groups were not prepared to discuss the homework questions I assigned on Tuesday. Being a 300 level class, I thought my approach of assigning a reading/question homework assignment and then coming in the next class and discussing it was a good approach for a junior/senior level class to effectively and efficiently get through the course material. Apparently I was wrong, and you would rather me take an elementary approach and institute a babysitting policy to check-in and make sure you are preparing yourself for class. I will oblige. First, from now on do not come to class unprepared. This means, at your desk, you should have a textbook opened to the material we will be covering that day so you can follow along with the discussion and answer questions. If you do not, you will be asked to leave. Second, I will assign chapter questions on Thursday for the chapter we will be discussing the following Tuesday. These answers are to be typed and submitted every Tuesday class. Third, I am revoking the study guide privilege, and it is a privilege since I do not have to post study guides. Starting, with Quiz #3 next Thursday, there will be no study guides. I expect everyone to come to class prepared (textbook, writing instrument, etc.) on Tuesday and for the remaining classes this semester. If you show me improvement in your preparation, I will slowly grant you privileges. I will take away the chapter questions and I will post the study guide. This will only happen over time and through you, as a class, demonstrating a willingness to participate in class. Until you earn that, we will have weekly chapter questions and no study guides.

-You took Quiz #2.
-I discussed the second half of Chapter 2 focusing on the recruitment of employees, in-service training, evaluating employee performance, termination of employees, and sexual harassment policy.

-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 3.
-Complete a Needs Assessment for the FPU Bubble.
-Type answers to the following questions:
1) Why are surveys important and what are the 5 steps in the survey process?
2) What is a Needs Assessment Report and what should it contain?
3) What are and explain each of the steps in the planning process?
4) What are 3 pitfalls to successful planning?

-You took Quiz #2.
-We discussed Chapter 4 by looking at specific cultural based scenarios that US managers come in contact with.

-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 5.
-Click here and take the Jung Typology Personality Test. After you submit your answers, a results page will pop up. Either print out the results page or write your results down on paper and bring your reults to class on Thursday.

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