Wednesday, September 17, 2008


-We continued with the introduction presentations.

-Goals & Expectations essay due.
-We will finish the introduction presentations.

Article about iTune Genius feature.
-We finished our discussion of Drucker Chapter 2. We discussed identifying noncustomers, doing business with noncustomers, and what does your customer consider value.

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapter 3 through page 97.
-Work on research paper proposal.

Study Guide:
-What does it mean that results of any institution only exist on the outside?
-What are the levels of the Customer Satisfaction Model?
-Explain & give examples of push & pull marketing.
-What are the 4 questions a business must answer when trying to connect with their customer?
-Explain the 80/20 rule.
-What are the 3 main reasons to do business with noncustomers?
-What are 3 reasons why the customer is now the boss?
-What is the "outside-in" perspective?
-Why were these companies mentioned in Chapter 2: Medtronic, Girl Scouts of America, Avon, Sumerset Houseboats, Microsoft (bundling)?
-What 2 companies, and why, exemplify "true innovation" according to Drucker?

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