Tuesday, September 16, 2008



We discussed how sports are used in our culture as a way to escape. We talked about how as players (participants) and as fans (spectators) we use sports to escape small & large hardships that life brings us. This conversation stemmed from our viewing of the documentary 9 Innings From Ground Zero about how NY was able to escape the tragedy at Ground Zero through the Yankees playoff run. We also began discussing Chapters 8 & 9. Main points from the chapters that we discussed are:
-What is stress & what are stressors.
-What is eustress & distress.
-Selye's Stress Definition
-General Adaptation Syndrome
-3 stages of GAS
-Applying GAS to recreation

-Quiz #1 (9 Innings From Ground Zero, 9/11 article, Textbook Chapters 8 & 9, Into The Wild: Prologue & Chapter 1)
-Read Into The Wild: Prologue & Chapter 1
-Be ready to finish discussion of Chapters 8 & 9

Study Guide:
Bring in a Seinfeld trivia question. If you stump me. The class gets extra credit.

-Be able to define: stress, stressors, eustress, distress, laughter, humor
-Be able to explain Selye's Stress Definition
-Be able to explain GAS & its 3 stages
-Be able to identify & explain some physiological, psychological, and social & interpersonal benefits of homor and laughter


-We formed groups and assigned chapters to each group.
-You did group work that will be discussed on Thursday.
-We began to discuss Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on the following:
-Main components of Human Resource Management (HRM)
-Types of employees (2 Classifications & 4 Special Types)
-Three categories/characteristics of all employees
-Components of a Job Description (3)
-Components of a Position Announcement (7)

-Quiz #2
-Be ready to discuss your group's discussion topic from today.

Study Guide:
-Main components of Human Resource Management (HRM)
-Types of employees (2 Classifications & 4 Special Types)
-Three categories/characteristics of all employees
-Components of a Job Description (3)
-Components of a Position Announcement (7)
-Staff Development Program for In-Service Training (4 elements)
-Reward System: Examples of common extrinsic rewards
-Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs implication for management
-What does EEOC stand for
-What procedure should organization's outline for employees to take if they were sexually harassed (5 components)

Interesting video about why Google is such a great company to work for.
Seventh Generation website.
-Groups for the group project were formed.
-We discussed Chapter 3. Our discussion focused on:
-What is organizational culture & what are the 3 main characteristics of org. culture
-Why is organizational culture important
-What are the 3 fundamental layers of org. culture
-What is the difference between espoused & enacted values
-What are the 4 functions of org. culture
-What is the 3 phase model of organizational socialization

-Quiz #2
-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 4.

Study Guide:
-Be able to define: organizational culture, values, vision, strategic plan
-Be able to identify and explain 1 of the 3 important characteristics of organizational culture
-Be able to identify & explain the 3 fundamental layers of organizational culture
-Be able to explain the difference between espoused & enacted values
-Be able to identify at least 2 of the 5 key components of values
-Be able to identify and explain 2 of the 4 functions of organizational culture
-What is ethnocentrism
-What is the GLOBE Project

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