Monday, January 26, 2009


-If you do not have a book because the bookstore ran out, you can click here and stay current with the readings for the short-term.
-Do not wait for the bookstore to get more textbooks. Go here and buy one. The above link should not be used all semester. You will need access to a physical copy of the textbook.
-The Sports & Recreation Management major started a club last semester. We meet every Monday at 12:30 in MH102. If you are a S&R major or are thinking of declaring S&R as a major you should be involved with this club. It is extremely important that you start compiling expereince outside the clasroom on your resume, & this is a great way to start. E-mail me if you have any questions.

-We discussed the graded assignments section of the syllabus.
-We watched an ESPN SportsCentury highlight video and discussed the unique characteristics of sports. We said that sports are unpredictable; sports promote group belonging; sports are engrained in family & country culture; sports can be used as an escape.

-Divide your sports moments list into 2 lists:
1) Games/Moments that transcended the sports world & impacted society.
2) Athletes/Teams that transcended the sports world & impacted society.
-Read Chapter 1 (Discussion PowerPoint is posted on WebCt.). Be ready to discuss: What is the difference between leisure & non-leisure? What is Neulinger's Paradigm? What is the Classical View of Leisure? What is the Antiutilitarian View of Leisure? What is the Social Instrument View of Leisure? What is Leisure as a Symbol of Social Class?
-Review the Into The Wild blog assignment directions on the syllabus & create your own blog. E-mail me your blog's url before Friday's class.
-Give some thought to who you want to work with for the group project. We will finalize groups next week.

-We discussed the graded assignments section of the syllabus.
-We had our first Board Meeting & established meeting bylaws (see 1/28 Blog entry).

-Read Chapter 1 for Wednesday & answer (typed & printed) the following questions:
1) What is the difference between life expectancy & healthy life expectancy?
2) What are the leading causes of death in the U.S.?
3) What is the difference between physical activity & exercise?
4) What is wellness & what are the 7 dimensions of wellness?

-We discussed the graded assignments section of the syllabus.
-We discussed the following 2 questions:
1) What is management?
2) What events have shaped/changed management in the U.S.?

-Answer the following Chapter 1 questions:
1) What is the Silent Revolution?
2) What are the 5 fronts that the Silent Revolution took place on?
-Start giving some thought to a topic for the semester research project. Start looking at articles in business publications for ideas.
-Give some thought to who you want to work with for the group presentation. We will finalize groups next week.

-If you did not give me your completed Sports Business Journal order form, you need to do so ASAP.
-We discussed the graded assignments section of the syllabus.
-We began the Chapter 1 discussion by discussing how facility management has changed post 9-11. We also discussed the skills required for effective facility management.

-Answer (typed & printed) the following Chapter 1 questions:
1) Why is it important for a facility to have a written policies & procedure manual?
2) What questions should an effective policies & procedures manual answer?
3) What can sponsoring an event/facility do for the sponsor? What can a sponsor do for the facility/event?
-SBJ articles. If there is class on Wednesday we will discuss these articles on Friday. If there is no class on Wednesday we will discuss these articles next week.
1) Zachy's will deliver bouguet of wine for Mets, Aramark (Page 14)
2) Getting In The Game For The Game (Starts on Page 4A in Super Bowl insert)
3) Record-size Security Staff Stands Guard (Page 21A in Super Bowl insert)
-Give thought to who you want to work with for the SBJ group presentation. We will finalize groups next week.

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