Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Please bring your completed SBJ order form to class on Thursday.
-We began our discussion of Chapter 18 by discussing the sociological aspects of sport. We developed 2 lists:
1) Memorable sports moments/games that transcended the sports world & had a impact on society.
2) Memorable sports athletes/teams that transcended the sports world & had an impact on society.

-What is so unique about sport as entertainment that makes us fans? Create a list of characteristics of sport that make it such a popular form of entertainment.
-Answer the following questions from Chapter 18:
1) What are "role learning" & "collective ritual?"
2) What is Title IX?
3) Why are there so few minorities (women & African Americans) in leadership roles in sport?
4) What is "stacking?"
5) How can sport serve as a catalyst for social change?
-Look through the SBJ & pick an article that would make for an interesting read over the weekend & discussion on next Tuesday.

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