Friday, February 20, 2009


Did you all know that I am an FPU rock star? Well, if the definition of an FPU rock star is someone who is featured in the Exchange, then call me a long lost Jonas brother. Check it out.

-No class because of the snow/ice.

-We will finish our discussion of Chapter 5. Have the following completed:
Discussion Questions:
1) Explain Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
2) Explain Nash's Pyramid of Leisure
-Read through Chapter 7 of Into The Wild.

-We finished our Chapter 4 discussion. We focused on body composition & the difference between overweight & obesity.

-Quiz #2: Chapters 3 & 4.
-Board Meeting after the quiz.

Chapter 3
-Define nutrition.
-What are essential nutrients?
-What are fuel nutrients?
-What are regulatory nutrients?
-What are macronutrietns?
-What are micronutrients?
-What is the 7th nutrient?
-What are the 5 essential food groups?
Chapter 4
-Define body composition.
-What is percent body fat?
-What is lean body mass?
-What is essential fat?
-What is storage fat & 3 basic functions?
-Difference between overweight & obesity.
-What are 3 most accurate techniques for assessing body composition?
-Know the Body Mass Index calculation formula.

How Facebook is taking over our lives article.
Why I hate Facebook article.

-Melissa came in late so I got a snack. Score!
-You passed in your research topic proposals.
-We picked the order of the World Is Flat group presentations.
-We finished our discussion of Drucker Chapter 5. Our discussion primarily focused on the management of knowledge workers. I advanced the PowerPoint slides too fast & Meghan got mad. Sorry!

-Agree/Disagree & why? "You get paid to do your job, you don't get paid to do you job exceptionally."
-Drucker Chapter 6 discussion questions:
1) What qualities are needed for effective decision making?
2) What are the 4 Drucker decision making questions?
3) How does Toyota make decisions?

Randy Moller goal calls.

-We discussed Master Planning & HOK Sport.

-Quiz #2: Chapters 3 & 4.
-Chapter 5 discussion question:
1a) What are the 5 common approaches to programming?
1b) Explain each.
1c) Explain, as a facility manager, under what circumstances you would choose each.

Chapter 3
-The 4 rules to brainstorming.
-What is a needs assessment survey?
-Know the categories of needs assessment information.
-Know the components of a needs assessment report.
-Difference between standing plans & single-use plans.
-Difference between short-range plans & long-range plans.
Chapter 4
-What are the categories of services that HOK Sport provides?
-What is master planning?
-What are the 3 questions master planning is used to answer?
-Steps to developing a master plan.
-Know these construction approaches: lump sum contract, design & build, fast tracking
-What is a performance bond?

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