Monday, February 23, 2009


-We finished our Chapter 5 discussion from last week (We would have finished this last Friday, but class was cancelled due to the weather.). Our discussion focused on the Catharsis Theory, Optimal Arousal Theory, Play as an Escape from Social Reality, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, & Nash's Pyramid of Leisure.

-Read Chapter 6 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) Explain guidelines for setting short-term & long-term leisure goals.
2) Explain what ultimate goals are.
3) Expalin the ABC rating system.
4) What is the "swiss cheese" approach?
5) What is "life patterning?"

This is an interesting article about the connection between the recession & fitness.

-You took Quiz #2 based on Chapters 3 & 4.
-We had our weekly board meeting. We set up a "to do" list and assigned items to each division. The big agenda item for next Monday will be to identify the individual events. Remeber, the even't main purpose is to incorporate the main theme of this class, which is wellness. The individual events need to incorporate physical activity as a wellness component, as well as diet & nutrition. I suggested a "Fitness Challenge" event that would incorporate physical activities, cardiovascualr activities, & diet & nutrition activities.

-Read Chapter 5 & answer the following questions:
1) What is the 2nd leading cause of preventable death in the US each year?
2) What are health consequences of obesity (Not the ones in the box. Look at the paragraph that starts: The American Heart Association...)?
3) What is yo-yo dieting & why is it bad?
4) Explain the following eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge-Eating Disorder.
5) What is the recommended caloric intake range?

IPOD hearing loss article.
Top 30 innovations article.

-I learned what a Monroe piercing is. You crazy kids.
-You learned that I am boycotting Slumdog Millionaire & I once had black/purple hair.
-We had a solid discussion about Erin's comment from last week: "You get paid to do your job; you don't get paid to do your job exceptionally."

-The following Drucker Chapter 6 discussion questions will be discussed:
1) What qualities are needed for effective decision making?
2) What are the 4 Drucker decision making questions?
3) How does Toyota make decisions?
4) What are the rules for determining whether a situation or opportunity warrants ction or not?
5) What is an issue tree & how did Peppridge Farm use it?
6) What was Clairol's "enexpected success?"

-You took Quiz #2 based on Chapters 3 & 4.

-Chapter 5 discussion question:
1a) What are the 5 common approaches to programming?
1b) Explain each.
1c) Explain, as a facility manager, under what circumstances you would choose each.
2) The chapter discusses 4 "planners" that are responsible for program planning. Who are they & what is their purpose?
3) What are the 4 goals/purposes that should be considered when determining program objectives?
4) Explain the 4 common types of tournaments.

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