Friday, September 18, 2009


-We discussed Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on: the 2 classifications of employees, the 4 special types of employees, the 3 categories of employees, & the hiring process.

-SBJ article (page 7).
-Chapter 3 discussion questions:
1) State & explain the 4 rules to brainstorming.
2) State & explain the categories of needs assessment information.
3) What is a Needs Assessment Survey & what are the components of a Needs Assessment Report?
4) What is the difference between standing plans & single-use plans?

-Notecard due.
-Chapter 1 discussion questions due.
-Into The Wild Author's Note & Chapter 1 reading due.
-Our discussion of Chapter 1 focused on Neulinger's Paradigm, the Classical View of Leisure, the Antiutilitarian View of Leisure, the Social Instrument View of Leisure, & Leisure as a Symbol of Social Class.

-No notecard.
-Quiz #1.
-Chapter 2 discussion questions (Due Thursday):
1) Will leisure time grow or decline n the future? Why?
2) According to the textbook, what factors will contribute to the growth or decline of leisure in the future?

-9/11 article.
-9 Innings From Ground Zero documentary.
-Into The Wild: Author's Note & Chapter 1.
-Sport & Society discussion:
1) The 8 reasons why we are sports fans that we discussed.
2) BIRGing & CORFing.
3) The 2 main benefits of sports that we discussed.

-Chapter 8:
1) Define: stress, stressors, esutress, distress.
2) General Adaptation Syndrome & its 3 stages.

-Chapter 9:
1) The 5 physiological benefits of humor & laughter that we discussed.
2) The 4 psychological benefits of humor & laughter that we discussed.
3) The 3 social & interpersonal benefits of humor & laughter that we discussed.

-Chapter 1:
1) Define: leisure, work, personal care, recreation.
2) Be able to explain: Neulinger's Paradigm, Classical View of Leisure, Antiutilitarian View of Leisure, Social Instrument Vew of Leisure, & Leisure as a Symbol of Social Class.

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