Friday, November 6, 2009


-No notecard.
-We finsished our discussion of Chapters 2 & 3. We focused on: Dodge V. Ford, Externalities, Anderson V. General Motors, Psychopathic Traits, & Cost-Benefit Analysis.

-No notecard.
-Read Chapter 4.
-Quiz #4: Chapters 1-3.

Chapter 1:
-Define corporation.
-What are: jobbers, the south sea company, bubble act?
-Industrialization in America involved what 3 important developments?
-By 1900, what 3 cities had populations over 1 million?
-What does the 14th Amerndment grant & how did corporations use it to their benefit?
-As a "person" what rights do corporations enjoy?
-What are the 2 main benefits of incorporation?
-Define corporate social responsibility & what are the 3 P's?
-What is the difference between a shareholder & a stakeholder?
-What are the 3 main categories of stakeholders?
-Define new capitalism & sustainable development.
-What is branding & what are brand drivers?

Chapter 2:
-Be able to explain profit maximization & profit motive.
-Be able to explain capitalism with a conscience.
-Be able to explain the difference between brand loyalty & repurchasing.
-Explain how The Body Shop & Pfizer exemplify capitalism with a conscience.
-What is the main purpose of the Kyoto Prootcol?
-Be able to explain the Dodge V. Ford case.
-What are some psychopathic traits of corporations?

Chapter 3:
-What is an externality?
-What 3 main entities are affected by externalities?
-Be able to explain the Anderson V. General Motors case.
-What is the science of exploitation?

-We discussed Chapter 6.21: Common elements of a sports-related contract.

-Chapter 6.23 Discussion Questions:
1) What is a sponsorship contract?
2) What are the fundamental clauses of a sponsorship agreement?
3) WHat is the difference between exclusive & nonexclusive rights?
4) What is ambush marketing?
5) What are some venue concerns regarding sponsorship contracts?

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