Wednesday, November 4, 2009


-No notecard due.
-We discussed the following SBJ articles:
1) Selig Projects More Fans in 2010.
2) Stadium Gets Help With Suite Sales.
3) Sponsored Content The Key To Growth of Broadband Video.

-SBJ Articles:
1) 10/19-10/25: "Turnkey Tackles..." Page 5.
2) 10/26-11/1: "Orioles Consider..." Page 5.
3) 11/2-11/8: "Twins, U.S. Bank..." Page 14.
-Chapter 8 Discussion Questions:
1) What is the heart of a sport's enterprise & key to financial success?
2) The concession operation requires managers to understand what?
3) What are the major shortcomings of concessions?
4) Concession stands should be...
5) What are "hawkers?"
6) What was decided in the Bearman v. University of Notre Dame case?
7) What are "dram shop statutes" & what is "social host liability?"
8) What is second to the box office in terms of direct contact between the facility & the patron?
9) What are the 4 M's in retail?
10) What are the 3 keys to effective merchandise store layout?

-Quiz #3.
-You picked groups for the Chapter 16 Group Presentation.

-Read Into The Wild Chapters 12 & 13.
-Chapters 10 & 11 Discussion Questions:

Chapter 10 Discussion Questions:
1) What social trends are contributing to shutting people off from interacting from one another?
2) What are the negative effects on socialization from:
A) Television?
B) Video Games?
C) Music?
D) Cell Phones?

-Chapter 11 Discussion Questions:
1) Explain the different types of gamblers.
2) What are the 2 motives that underlie gambling?
3) What are some problems of gambling?

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