Friday, September 17, 2010


-No homework was due.
-We continued our discussion of Drucker Chapter 2. We discussed reasons why the customer is in the driver's seat today, the customer satisfaction model, and push & pull marketing. We will finish Chapter 2 on Monday.

-Our first exam will be next Wednesday. I will post a study guide on Monday. You should start reviewing your homework & class notes this weekend.
-Read first half of Chapter 3 & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) Why does Starbucks exemplify what Drucker considered to be true innovation?
2) What are Drucker's 4 basic questions about innovation?

-We continued personal PowerPoint presentations.
-We had our Friday round table discussion about the one thing you would change about FPU.

1) Have articles & discussion questions with you.
2) Develop two lists:
A) 5 sports events/games/moments/athletes that have personal meaning to you as a spectator. Why?
B) 5 sports events/games/moments/athletes that transcended the sports world and impacted (positive or negative) society as a whole. Why?
3) Read textbook Chapter 1 and answer the following Discussion Questions:
A) Define: sociology, social world, culture, social interaction, social structure.
B) Do you agree with the precise definition of "sports"? Why or why not?
C) Sports involve a balance between the elements of play & spectacle. Explain the differences between play & spectacle.
D) What are the differences between the sociology and psychology of sport?
E) Define ideologies.
4) Take the following fan passion drivers quiz & either print our or write down the results. Click here.

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