Monday, September 13, 2010


-Discussion questions based on Drucker Chapter 2 were due.
-You took your first Opportunity Quiz.
-We almost finished our discussion of Drucker Chapter 1. We discussed the first 4 fronts of the Silent Revolution. We will finish Chapter 1 at the beginning of class on Wednesday. We still have to discuss the 5th front of the Silent Revolution and knowledge workers. After, we will start our discussion of Chapter 2.

-Chapter 1 lecture notes are posted on CampusWeb. Make sure you can download them.
-Answer the following Discussion Questions based on Drucker Chapter 2:
1) Drucker says that "there is never only one customer." What does he mean? How do the Girl Scouts of America fit into this?
2) Pick a company and identify its core customer demographic (who accounts for a majority of the company's sales?) Then identify a secondary customer market.
3) Why is identifying noncustomers important?
4) In your opinion, what company does a great job at satisfying its customers needs?

-Your paper on cell phones in class was due.
-I handed out the syllabus and 2 articles for you to read.
-We discussed how the set-up for class will go for the rest of the semester. We talked about how on Mondays & Wednesdays we will discuss sports in society topics, and on Fridays we will have round table discussions based on your college experience. We also discussed my expectations of you as a student, and your expectations of me as a professor. At the beginning of class on Wednesday we will discuss how you will be graded this semester.

-Start reading Invictus!
-Read the 2 articles that I gave you today.
-Answer the following Discussion Questions based on the articles. You can hand write your responses in a notebook or you can type them and print them. Either way, they need to be with you in class on Wednesday.
-Discussion Questions:
What Makes Fans Tick?
1) Explain the 8 basic motives that drive people to be sports fans.
2) How does the "social identity theory" explain our attraction to spectator sports?
3) Explain the concepts of "BIRGing" and "CORFing."
4) What is a "Deep Fan?"
5) What are the differences between blue collar and white collar fans?
What Makes Fans Crazy About Sports?
1) What is the #1 "passion driver" of most NFL fans?
2) What is the #1 "passion driver" of most MLB fans?
3) Explain the following 3 groups of baseball fans:
A) Field of Dreamers
B) Team Obsessors
C) Family Connectors
4) What sports property had the largest U.S. fan base in 2009?
5) What sports property had the largest U.S. fan base in 2001?

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