Wednesday, October 27, 2010


-The Corporation Chapter 1 Part A discussion questions due.
-We finished our discussion of Drucker Chapter 7. Our discussion focused on the 4 types of managers.
-Answer The Corporation Part B Discussion Questions.

The issues that I encountered in class today have been ongoing issues throughout the semester that I have let go for too long. Why? Because I try to treat IC101 differently than I do my other classes. Those of you that have me for SR201 recognize this. I feel my main goal as an IC101 instructor is to help you with the transition process from high school to college, and hopefully set you up with the skills needed to be a successful college student. That does not mean we do not have goals, topics to discuss, and lessons to learn each class period. It's just that they are done in a different way. To be honest, I feel that the most beneficial class periods are the Friday round table discussions. It's an open forum to discuss pressing issues that directly affect you as a college student and human being. You have not treated these classes with respect or taken them seriously. That's a shame. Despite what you may think, I know a lot about what it takes to be successful in college. I know because I lived it as a student, and I have seen students live it for the last 7+ years. I believe that the best type of knowledge is knowledge that is gained through experience. I challenge you all to look at the effort you have made as a college student so far. Have you taken college seriously? Have you learned valuable lessons that you can take with you for the rest of your life? Have you initiated learning outside of the classroom? If someone is paying your tuition, would they be proud of you? Are you proud of yourself?

-Reaction Paper #2 due Monday.
-For Friday, please answer with the utmost truth & honesty the following questions. Your answers should be typed & printed.
1) Why are you in college?
2) Looking back at your effort as a college student so far, what is one thing you are proud of?
3) Looking back at your effort as a college student so far, what is one thing you need to improve?
4) On graduation day when you look back at your college experience, what do you hope to see?

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