Tuesday, October 26, 2010


-Exam #2.

-Read Chapter 7 & answer the following Discussion Questions.
1) What is the basic purpose of any facility sign?
2) What are the 5 categories of signs?
3) Explain the OSHA issues regarding the communication of hazardous conditions.
4) What is the difference between using "warning" & "caution" on a sign?
5) What are the 3 groups that facility signage serves?

-Read the following SBJ articles from the 10/18-24 issue & answer the Discussion Questions.

A) "NFL Group Will Battle Blackouts" Page Cover
1) What is the NFL blackout policy.
2) Through week 5, how many NFL games have been blacked out?
3) What teams have accounted for the blacked out games?
4) What reasons have league official given for the low attendance?
5) According to Commissioner Roger Goodell, what is a top issue facing the NFL?

B) "NBA Ready For Check-Ins With NBA Turnstile" Page 3
1) What is NBA Turnstile?
2) How many combined Twitter & Facebook followers does the NBA have?
3) How many combined Twitter & Facebook followers does the NFL have?
4) What are "badges?"

C) "Performance Brands Vital To NFL" Page 4
1) Beginning in 2012, what company will own the rights to manufacturing & supplying the NFL with jerseys?
2) In addition to jerseys, what else will the company own the rights to?
3) What was the deal breaker for the company agreeing to the NFL deal?
4) How many NFL players are under contract with Nike?
5) What company gained the rights to supply hats on NFL sidelines?

-Chapter 5 Part B discussion questions due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 5. We discussed: the catharsis theory, the optimal arousal theory, the play as an escape from social reality theory, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and Nash's Pyramid.

-Into The Wild: Chapters 12 & 13.
-Read Chapter 6 & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) What are ultimate goals?
2) What is life patterning?
3) What is the ABC rating system?
4) What is transition time?
5) What is the swiss-cheese approach?
6) When procrastinating, what are common time wasters?

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