Monday, November 15, 2010

MONDAY 11/15

-We finished discussing The Corporation Chapter 3.

-Exam #4.

Drucker Chapter 7
-the different categories of managers.

The Corporation Chapter 1
-Define corporation, jobbers, south sea company, bubble act, deregulation, corporate social responsibility, new capitalism, sustainable development, brand drivers, .
-Industrialization in America involved what 3 important developments?
-By 1900, what 3 American cities had populations over 1 million?
-What 2 states sought to attract corporations by getting rid of unpopular restrictions?
-How did the 14th Amendment help corporations?
-What right do corporations have that is not granted to individuals?
-What are the 3 P's of corporate social responsibility?
-What is the difference between a shareholder & stakeholder?
-What are the 3 main types of stakeholders?

The Corporation Chapter 2
-Explain the difference between profit maximization & profit motive.
-What is capitalism with a conscience?
-What is the difference between brand loyalty & repurchasing?
-Explain how the Body Shop & Pfizer exemplify capitalism with a conscience.
-What is the purpose of the Kyoto Protocol?
-What was the judgment in the Dodge v. Ford case?

The Corporation Chapter 3
-What is an externality?
-What entities are affected by externalities?
-Explain the Anderson v. General Motors case.
-What is a cost-benefit analysis?
-What is the science of exploitation?

-Matt Janik from Athletics stopped in to set up interview times for the human interest stories.
-I handed out the outline for Reaction Paper #3.
-We began watching Green Street Hooligans. The movie can be seen here.


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