Tuesday, November 16, 2010


-Exam #3.

-Read Chapter 11 & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) Why has the widths of bleacher seats changed from 18 inches wide to 20 inches?
2) What safety suggestions do planners need to consider when developing seating for spectators for outdoor events?
3) During the 1960's to the late 1980's why were many natural turf fields converted to synthetic turf?
4) During the late 1980's and 1990's why were many synthetic turf field converted back to natural turf?
5) What are benefits of synthetic turf to players?
6) What are negatives of synthetic turf to players?
7) What is the key to a great field?
8) What are the 3 basic types of irrigation systems?
9) What should be located higher than the highest part of the bleachers?
10) For every male restroom, how many female restrooms should be provided?

-Read the following November 8-14 BJ articles & answer the following Discussion Questions:
A) "Powerade's The New Player on NCAA Sidelines" Page 4
1) What company will Powerade replace on the sideline of all 88 NCAA championships?
2) What company owns Powerade?
3) What company owns Vitaminwater?
4) What percent sales increase has Powerade had over the last year?
5) What is Gatorade's market share in the sports drink category?

B) "NFL Launching Interactive Facebook App" Page 9
1) What does the Blackberry All-Access Pregame app allow users to do?
2) On April 21, what was launched on NHL.com that contributed to an explosion of facebook followers?
3) Other than Yahoo! & google, what is the #1 referral website for NHL.com?
4) Facebook helped increase NHL.com's unique visitor count for the month of October by what percent over last year's number for the opening month of the season?
5) Which league leads the major leagues in in social networking through Facebook?

-Chapter 12 discussion questions due.
-We finished discussing Chapters 10 & 11 and started a discussion of Chapter 12.

-No new discussion questions.

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