Friday, February 18, 2011


-Into The Wild: Chapter 5 & 6.
-Chapter 4 Part A discussion questions due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 3. We discussed the factors that have influenced the development of the recreation movement in the 20th centruy and the factors that will affect the recreation movement in the 21st century.

-Answer the following Chapter 4 Part B Discussion Questions:
1) Explain each of the areas where careers in leisure services exist.
2) According to the chapter, what activity is the most prevalent use of free time in the US?
3) Explain the following methods of calculating leisure:
A) Leisure as memorable time.
B) Leisure as time left over.

-No new discussion questions due.
-We continued our discussion of Chapter 2. We discussed the various barriers to creativity.

-Answer the following Chapter 3 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) Define "intellectual capital" and explain its 3 components.
2) Define "competitive advantage" and explain Whole Foods' strategy for achieving competitive advantage.
3) Explain the 4 aspects of their businesses that entrepreneurs should examine to define their companies' competitive advantages.

-Chapter 5 Part A discussion questions due.
-"Inactivity Highest in Southern, Appalachian States" article discussion questions due.
-We discussed the article.
-We began a discussion of Chapter 5.

-Answer the following Chapter 5 Part B Discussion Questions:
1) What is yo-yo dieting & why is it bad?
2) Explain the following eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, & binge-eating disorder.
3) What is the connection between sleep deprivation and obesity & overweight?
-Read this article & answer the following discussion questions:
1) Why can fiber lower cancer risk among men but not women?
2) What is the daily recommendation of fiber intake for men & women?
3) The study found evidence for fiber's benefits are strongest in combating what 2 diseases?
4) Quite simply, how can high-fiber diets promote weight loss?
5) What is a simple way to increase fiber intake from grains?

-SBJ article discussion questions due.
-We discussed the SBJ article.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 3. Our discussion focused on the cradle-to-grave approach to sustainability, LEED, the USGBC & GBCI, and the Green Globes Program.

-Answer the following Chapter 4 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) Explain the difference in designing facilities that are accessible & universal facilities instead of handicapped facilities.
2) Explain the purpose of ADA.
3) Explain the purpose of EEOC.
4) Explain each of the 5 titles of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act & Enforcement Responsibilities.
-Read the "SI Expects Digital to Help Boost Swimsuit Revenue 41%" article on page 5 of the February 14-20 SBJ.
1) What % increase in revenue is Sports Illustrated projecting this year from its Swimsuit franchise?
2) The SI Swimsuit iPhone application had how many downloads last year?
3) SI will gain what % of its Swimsuit revenue from:
A) Print & advertising?
B) Digital content sales & advertising?
C) Experiential & event marketing?
4) How many years has Sports Illustrated been a sports publication?
5) The Swimsuit issue will represent what % of SI's 2011 revenue?
6) Historically, the Swimsuit issue sells how many copies at newsstands each year?
7) How do "freemium model" applications work?

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