Thursday, March 3, 2011


-No new discussion questions due.
-I handed out Opportunity Quiz #4 as a take home quiz.
-We began a discussion of Drucker Chapter 5.

-Opportunity Quiz #4 is due next Tuesday.
-Answer the following Drucker Chapter 7 Discussion Question:
1) According to Drucker, what characterisitcs are unique to a CEO?

Chapter 1
-Be able to state the successful business attributes that we discussed & state the company(s) taht represent each one.
-What is the #1 key to a successful organization?
-Who is the godfather of management?
-Be able to define management & state the 6 management functions.
-Be able to explain the 4 types of manamgement that we discussed.

Chapter 2
-Be able to state the reasons that we discussed for why the customer is in the driver's seat.
-Be able to state & explain the levels of the Customer Satisfaction Model.
-Be able to explain & give examples of push & pull marketing.
-Be able to explain how Medtronic personifies Drucker's ideal of customer focus.
-be able to explain the difference between demographics & psychographics.

Chapter 3
-Be able to explain why Starbucks exemplifies what Drucker considers to be true innovation.
-Be able to state the 5 Starbucks problems.
-Be able to define systematic abandonment & explain how Kimberly-Clark & Peapod used it.
-Be able to explain how Google seeks opportunities.
-I will give you a company that we discussed and you will need to match it to the approriate 7 key sources of opportunities.

Chapter 4
-Be able to define brainstorming & state the 4 rules.
-Be able to explain Myelin Repair Foundation's collaboration model.
-Be able to explain how Dell is a pioneer of collaboration.

Chapter 5
-Be able to explain how Alcoa out Drucker's ideas about putting people first into practice.
-Be able to explain how management can motivate employees through Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Chapter 7
-Be able to explain Drucker's characteristics that are unique to a CEO.
-Be able to explain the 4 types of managers.

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