Friday, October 12, 2012

FRIDAY 10/12

-Chapter 4 discussion questions 5 & 6 were due.
-You took Quiz #6.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 3 & began a discussion of Chapter 4 by discussing markets.

-Devin Makowski will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-No new discussion questions.

-No homework due.
-You filled out a Plus/Delta Chart assessing the first 1/3 of the semester.
-We discussed the pros & cons of your first month and a half as a student here at FPU.

-Robert McGloughlin will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Make sure you have completed the Chapter 1 discussion questions that were assigned on 9/24.
-Answer the following Chapter 5 discussion questions:
1) State 5 benefits of organized sports programs for children.
2) State 5 potential negative aspects of organized sports programs for children.

-Drucker Chapter 4 discussion questions 7 & 8 were due.
-You took Quiz #6.
-We discussed the 7 key sources of opportunities from Chapter 3.

-Davante Jones will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-No new discussion questions.

-Discussions have been pretty poor the last couple classes.  Also, way too many side conversations by the guys in the back corner.  I'm open to suggestions if you think the material or my presentation of the material is too boring.
-Chapter 2 discussion questions 9-14 were due.
-I discussed Chapter 2.

-Bryana Harron will bring in a current event for us to discuss at the beginning of next Wednesday's (not Monday's) class.
-Read the following articles and answer the accompanying discussion questions.

Let's Start Paying College Athletes

1) Who is the president of the NCAA?
2) The NCAA board of directors agreed to make it permissible for Division I schools to pay their athletes a stipend for how much money?
3) Some studies estimate that most scholarships fall how much short of the full cost of attending college annually?
4) College football and men's basketball generate more than how much money in annual revenue?
5) Turner Broadcasting & CBS signed a 14 year deal worth how much money for the television rights to March madness?
6) The NCAA takes in nearly how much money each year in revenue?
7) Do you agree/disagree with the 5 elements of the author's plan?
8) Why did some former Division I football & basketball players class-action antitrust lawsuit against the NCAA?
9) Why is the O'Bannon case called the "O'Bannon case?"

College Athletes Already Have Advantages & Shouldn't Be Paid

1) At what school did the author teach a class in Advanced Reporting?
2) Fill in the blanks. The author believes that college is a ________________. It is ________________, not bestowed.
3) How much does it cost to go to Duke?
4) Sports Illustrated suggests that one way to pay football & basketball players is to do what to other sports?
5) Bob Knight believes the best argument against paying players is what?

-In addition to reading the above articles & answering the discussion questions, you need to come to class on Monday with 2 definitive reasons for & 2 definitive reasons against paying college athletes.  These should be opinions with facts to back up your reasons.

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