Friday, March 27, 2009


-Quiz #7: Textbook Chapters 10 & 11, Into The Wild Chapters 14 & 15

-Textbook Chapter 12 discussion questions:
1) Why is it important to consider ethical concerns when developing a personal lesiure philosophy & in selecting leisure activities?
2) What criteria should be used when determining ethics for leisure selection?
3) State & explain the major internal obstacles to leisure fulfillment.
4) State & explain recreational ways to increase norepinephrine levels.

Here is the link to the worst food in America article.

-We finished our Chapter 7 discussion.

-Board Meeting on Monday with division reports.

-Here is a link to an article about the Conficker C computer virus.
-We finished our ethical decision making discussion.

-Quiz #7: The Corporation Chapters 3 & 4
-The Corporate Social Responsibility homework that was due today, should be brought to class with you for discussion after the quiz on Monday.

Chapter 3
-What is an externality & who(m) is affected by externalities?
-Be able to explain the Anderson v. General Motors case.
-Be able to explain the concept of "the science of exploitation."
-How do corporations use cost-benefit analyses in corporate decision making?
-What happened in the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory disaster?
-What is the purpose of the Fair Labor Standards Act?
Chapter 4
-Be able to identify & explain the 4 myths of CSR (PowerPoint).
-In 1933, FDR created the New Deal, aimed to strengthen government's control of what?
-What American corporation provided the Nazis with tabulation machines used by them to track records in their extermination & slave-labor camps?
-What was passed by Congress in 1952 to ensure coal mine safety?
-How did "new social regulation" curb corporations power & freedom?
-What fuel the political system & are a core strategy in business's campaign to influence government?

-We discussed SBJ articles.

-Chapter 8 discussion questions:
1) What is the heart of a sport's enterprise & key to financial success?
2) The concession operation requires managers to understand what?
3) What are the major shortcomings of concessions?
4) Concession stands should be...
5) What are "hawkers?'
6) What was decided in the Bearman v. University of Notre Dame case?
7) What are "dram shop statutes" & what is "social host liability?"
8) What is second to the box office in terms of direct contact between the facility & the patron?
9) What are the 4 M's in retail?
10) What are the 3 keys to effective merchandise store layout?

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