Thursday, March 12, 2009


-We discussed the main points in Chapter 7: Sport Tourism.

-Read SBJ article, "No Hard Feelings...," on page 10 of the 3/9-3/15 issue.
-Read Chapter 9 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) Identify & give a brief explanation of the 10 P's.

1st Half of the Semester Discussion Questions: Due Thursday 3/19
For the questions below, create an analytical, well-written response. Your response to these questions should make specific references to class discussions, class notes, the textbook, and the Sports Business Journal (Note: Not every response needs to make a reference to all of these sources.) Do not use opinion or outside research.
Question 1: Explain the social significance, including benefits, of sport on our (America) society.
Question 2: How is professional preparation critical for the success of sport management majors?
Question 3: Explain, three key skills necessary needed for athletics directors who work in major conferences to run a successful program?
Question 4: Explain the unique aspects of professional sport.
Question 5: Describe the evolution & growth of sport management & marketing agencies.

*I will grade your response based on your ability to defend your answer using material covered in class up to the point the paper is assigned.

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