Tuesday, June 24, 2008


-No class on Tuesday.
-Research Papers due 1:30 on Wednesday.
-Wednesday presentation order:
1) Jeff
2) Chris L.
3) Sam Wilson
4) Colby
5) Erin
6) Beth
7) Jess
-Thursday presentation order:
1) Chris
2) Kit
3) Sam
4) Caitlin
5) Tori
6) Laura

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Thomas Friedman (The World Is Flat) interview.

-We discussed the 10 Flatteners that Friedman addresses in Chapter 2.

-Quiz #6 (last one): Chapter 1 & 2.
-Questions from Chapter 1.
-No notecards.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Interesting Nag Factor article.
Nag factor youtube clip.

-You took Quiz #5 based on The Corporation chapters 3-6.
-We discussed The Corporation Chapters 5 & 6. Our discussion focused on: Why would companies market/advertise to children? How do companies market differently to children than adults? How does advertising on self-esteem work?
-We finished watching Boiler Room.

-Read & be ready to discuss The World Is Flat Chapter 1 & the 10 Flatteners from Chapter 2.
-Complete Boiler Room handout.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Even Small Companies Can Innovate article.
-We discussed Chapters 3 & 4 in The Corporation. Our discussion focused on: the psychopathic traits of a corporation; externalities; Anderson v. General Motors; the science of exploitation; the 4 myths of CSR; why the law's ability to protect people & the environment from corporate harm has suffered.

-Quiz #5: The Corporation chapters 3-6.
-Read & be ready to discuss The Corporation chapters 5 & 6.

Chapter 3
-Psychopathic traits of a corporation.
-What is an externality and who is affected by an externality?
-Exlplain Anderson v. GM.
-Explain the "science of exploitation."
Chapter 4
-The 4 myths of CSR.
-The 4 reasons the law's ability to protect people & the environment from corporate harm has suffered.
-The 4 main reasons why certain corporate executives opposed FDR's New Deal.
-What act was passed by Congress in 1952 in order to make the coal mining industry safer?
-In the mid-1970's the Supreme Court decided that what Amendment extended constitutional protection to corporate financing of elections?
-Anne Wexler is mentioned often in the chapter. What job does Wexler hold in Washington, D.C.?
Chapters 5 & 6
-Explain the "nag factor."
-4 areas where companies prey on children (opportunity in devastation).
-Describe the different categories of parents that are discussed.

Monday, June 16, 2008


-You took Quiz #3 based on Drucker Chapters 16 & 19 and The Corporation Chapters 1 & 2.
-We discussed Chapters 1 & 2 of The Corporation. Our discussion focused on the following questions: How did the corporation become so powerful? How is a corporation a "person?" What is "new capitalism," and what is its effect on corporate social responsibility? How do corporations use branding to create unique & attractive personalities for themselves?
-We began watching The Boiler Room.

-Read & be ready to discuss The Corporation Chapters 3 & 4.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Managing with leadership article.

TODAY: We discussed Drucker Chapters 16 & 19, as well as the documentary One Day in September. Our chapters discussion focused on:
-The Characterisitics of time.
-Foundation of executive effectiveness.
-Diagnostic questions.
-Time-wasters caused by management & organizational defficiency.
-Charisma & Leadership
-The 3 fundamentals of leadership
-The 6 characteristics of a good leader

-Quiz #4: Drucker Chapters 16 & 19, The Corporation Chapters 1 & 2
-Read & be ready to discuss The Corporation Chapters 1 & 2

Chapters 16 & 19
-Characteristics of time.
-3 steps in the foundation of executive effectiveness.
-Be able to explain what a zero draft is.
-Diagnostic questions.
-Time-wasters caused by management & organizational deficiency.
-3 requirements of effective leadership.
-6 statements describing a good leader.
-An effective leader knows that the ultimate task of leadership is to do what 2 things?
Chapter 1 & 2
-Identify the different forms of a corporation.
-What are: jobbers, the South Sea Company, the Bubble Act.
-Explain what it means for a corporation to be a "person."
-Explain "new capitalism" and "capitalism with a conscience."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


iPHONE's New Business Model article.

-You took Quiz #3 based on Drucker Chapters 10, 11, 13, 14.
-We discussed Drucker Chapters 13 & 14. We used the following questions as a basis of discussion:-What is a knowledge worker & what purpose do they serve business?-How should you manage knowledge workers to get the most production?-Who is an executive?-What are executive realities?-Why is contribution important?-What are the 4 basic requirements to effective human relations?
-We finished watching One Day in September.

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 16 & 19.
-Be ready to discuss management decision mistakes from the '72 Olympics hostage crisis.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Multiplex Marketing article.

We discussed Drucker Chapters 10 & 11. We focused on the need for market research and the importance of focusing on satisfying your customers needs. We discussed the structures that allow people to be entrepreneurial as well as some things the entrepreneurial management of an existing business should not do.

-Quiz #3: Drucker Chapters 10, 11, 13, 14.
-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 13 & 14.

Chapter 10 & 11
-Characteristics of entrepreneurship
-The 3 structures that all people to be entrepreneurial
-The don'ts of entrepreneurial management
-The 3 American companies that all set up their new ventures as a separate business
-The 3 problems with market research according to Drucker
-The marketing axiom
-The 2 key activities that top management needs to focus on
-The company that created the computer market
Chapters 13 & 14
-Define knowledge worker
-Knowledge workers 3 essential resources
-How management should manage knowledge workers to get the most production
-The 4 basic requirements to effective human relations

Monday, June 9, 2008


Here is a wikipedia article with information regarding the 1972 Munich Olympics hostage crisis.
We discussed Chapters 8 & 9 from Drucker. Chapter 8 focused on management/business structure. The Stonecutter's Story was used as a basis of this discussion. Give some thought to that story and what it means. Chapter 9's discussion focused on picking people as an executive decision. The main points that you should take away from Chapter 9 are:
-The 4 basic principles of making people decisions.
-The 5 decision steps when making people decisions.
After our discussion we started watching the documentary, "One Day in September."

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 10 & 11 and do notecards.
-As we watch One Day in September, you should be taking note of management/executive decisions that are made that lead to the hostages being killed.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Uggs article.
Drucker Article.

We discussed Drucker Chapters 5, ,6 7.
From Chapter 5, we discussed that social responsibilities can arise in 2 areas:
1) What an institution does to society.
2) What an institution does for society.
From our discussion, we answered the following questions:
1) What are the positive and negative impacts business can do to/for society?
2) Business should take an active & constructive role in its community? why?
3) What does 21st Century customers expect from business?
4) How can managers motivate employees?

The main points from Chapters 6 & 7 that we discussed were:
-Four business principles:
1) Organization has to be transparent.
2) One person in an organization should have only one master.
3) Authority must be commensurate with responsibility.
4) An organization should be as flat as possible.
-Classification of employees:
1) Theory X: Assumes employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work when possible. Employees show little ambition without incentives.
2) Theory Y: Assumes employees are ambitious, self-motivated, and are anxious to accept greater responsibility.-One does not "manage" people. The task is to lead people. A manager is a leader.
-Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as it applies to managment:
5) Physiological Needs: Provide lunch breaks, rest breaks, & sufficient wages.
4) Safety Needs: Provide a safe working environment, retirement benefits, & job security.
3) Love & Belonging/Social Needs: Create a sense of community via team-based projects & social events.
2) Esteem Needs: Recognize achievements to make employees feel appreciated & valued.
1) Self-Actualization: Provide employees a challenge & the opportunity to reach their full career potential.

-Research proposal due.
-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 8 & 9.
-Notecard for Chapters 8 & 9.
-Quiz #2

Chapter 5
-Social Responsibilities can arise in what 2 areas?
-Regarding regulation as a social responsibility, what traditional attitude has management taken?
-What American consumerist, and recurrent Presidential candidate, is mentioned in the chapter as being concerned with legitimate business responsibility?

Chapters 6 & 7
-The 4 business principles that we discussed.
-The difference between Theory X & Theory Y.
-Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and its application to management.
-What is the specific & distinguishing organ of any & all organizations?
-One does not "manage" people, the task is to ????? people.

Chapters 8 & 9
-What is the Peter Principle?
-What are the 5 steps in making effective promotion & staffing decisions?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


The 50 highest-earning athletes in the United States article.
-You took Quiz #1 based on Drucker Chapters 1-4.
-We discussed Chapters 3 & 4 in Drucker. Our discussion focussed on the purpose of a business, objectives for all businesses, and what profit maximization & profit motive are. The purpose of a business: To create a customer. The objectives of all businesses (6): Marketing, Innovation, Resources, Productiivity, Social Responsibility, Profit Requirements. Profit Maximization: The process by which a firm determines the price & output level that returns the greatest profit. Profit Motive: Explanation for businessman's guide to right action.

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 5, 6, 7.
-Notecard for Chapters 5, 6, 7.
-Research potential Research Paper topics.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Fantasy sports article.
TODAY: We discussed Chapters 1 & 2 in Drucker. Our discussion topic was management and we covered its origin, evolution, the 3 management philosophies, and management's 3 essential tasks. We talked how war led to management's first era which was the Army Command Model which is a linear (top to bottom) structure. We then moved into the manufacturing/industrialization age which led management into an Assembly Line Model (lateral: left to right). Finally, we moved into the technology/service age where management has evolved into an Automation Model (teamwork & quality circles). We finished class discussing the 3 essential tasks of management: 1) Establishing the specific purpose & mission of the institution, 2) Making work productive & the worker effective, & 3) Managing social impacts & social responsibilities.

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 3 & 4.
-4x6 notecard for Chapters 3 & 4.
-Quiz #1: Drucker Chapters 1-4.

Chapters 1 & 2
-The 3 management eras/philosophies.
-Define Scientific Management.
-State 2 main problems with assmebly line management.
-What is the one true business resource?
-3 areas where managment can be classified as a liberal art.
-7 management principles.
-3 essential tasks of management.
Chapters 3 & 4
-Define Profit Maximization & Profit Motive.
-What is the main pirpose of a business?
-The 2 basic functions of a business.
-5 business objectives.
-The best nonprofits devote a great deal of thought to defining what?

Monday, June 2, 2008


-Course introduction: Syllabus, Expectations, Research paper.

-Read this article.
-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 1 & 2.
-Complete your 4 x 6 notecard.