Friday, February 27, 2009


-You took Quiz #4: Chapters 5 & 6 and Into The Wild Chapters 6-9.
-We finished our Chapter 6 discussion.

-Fill out the daily inventory worksheet.
-Read Chapter 7 & answer the following questions:
1) How can fitness be affected by leisure?
2) How can fitness have an impact in leisure?
3) What is the fitness illusion?
4) What are the components of health related physical fitness?

-We finished Chapter 5 by discussing eating disorders.
-We discussed our caloric intake from yesterday.

-Board Meeting on Monday.
-Read Chapter 6 & answer the following discussion questions for Wednesday:
1) Explain what cardiorespiratory endurance is.
2) What is the difference between aerobic & anaerobic exercise?
3) What are the benefits of aerobic training?

Facebook has been in the news a lot lately. Check out this short interview with the dork who created the site.

-You took Quiz #4: Drucker Chapters 5 & 6.
-I tried to make a statement that Eli Manning is a country bumpkin. It didn't come out that way, however. Here is what a spoonerism is.
-We discussed management & the CEO of the 21st Century.

-Watch this youtube clip.
-Read Chapter 1 & answer the following discussion questions. I will assign each presentation group one of these questions in class on Monday to discuss. So make sure you answer these questions thoroughly.
1) What is a corporation?
2) How did the corporation become so powerful (history & evolution)?
3) Explain how a coporation is a "person."
4) What is corporate social responsibility?
5) What is "new capitalism" & its effect on corporate social responsibility.

-SBJ group presentations began.

1) What 2 questions should managers answer when defining accountability for the organization?
2) Explain the internal control components.
3) Define: Cash Flow, Operating Cah Flow, Cash Flow Budget.
4) What are the 5 steps commonly used in the budget process?
5) What are the primary sources of revenue generation?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Randy Moller goal calls.

-We discussed the Business of Spring Training SBJ article. The article talks about how spring training sites are feeling the effects of the recession with a decline in tourism. On a positive side, the World Baseball Classic will extend spring training, giving these sites more opportunities to play games & catch up on lost revenues.
-We discussed Chapter 5 in the textbook. The chapter talked about: the history of professional sports in this country, the factors that have affected the growth of professional sports, the unique aspects of professional sports, & the main revenue areas of professional sport.

-Read the SBJ article: "Engage Hispanic Race Fans Through Speed, Success, Community" on page 14 of the February 9-5 edition.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Check out these youtube clips about a 5 year old golf phenom.
Part 2

-We discussed Chapter 6. Our discussion started with a discussion of the following questions: How applicable are time-management principles to leisure? Do you create daily time schedules or "to do" lists? Is leisure more fun when it is planned or spontaneous? If you had to give up wither TV, computer for leisure, or your cell phone for 1 year, what would you choose? In a 24-hour period, how much time are you sleeping (napping included)? We also discussed short-term, long-term, & ultimate leisure goals, The ABC rating system, transition time, the Swiss Cheese approach, & the 80/20 rule to leisure.

-Quiz #4: Textbook Chapters 5 & 6, Into The Wild Chapters 6-9.
-Complete Exercises 6.2 & 6.3

Chapter 5
-Define "play" & its 4 characteristics.
-Explain: Surplus Energy Theory, Recreation Theory, Relaxation Theory, Compensation Theory, Generalization Theory, Catharsis Theory, Optimal Arousal, Play as an Escape from Social Reality.
-Know the levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs & Nash' Pyramid of Leisure.
Chapter 6
-What are the 3 types of leisure goals that should be planned?
-Explain life patterning.
-Explain the ABC Rating System.
-What is: Transition Time, Swiss Cheese Approach, 80/20 Rule to Leisure.
-What are the 4 common time wasters?

-We discussed Chapter 5. Our discussion focused on the reasons why obesity is the 2nd leading cause of preventable death in the US each year, the fitness illusion, the health consequences of obesity, & yo-yo dieting.

-Track your caloric intake tomorrow (Thursday).

4 reasons why online dating is recession proof article.
Article about snap judgments.
Excerpts from the book Blink.

-We discussed Chapter 6. We talked about how information, intuition, & judgment are needed for effective decision making. We then got into a good discussion about the difference between snap judgments & taking your time to make a decision.

-Quiz #4: Drucker Chapters 5 & 6.

Chapter 5
-The 3 questions that every person in an organization should be able to answer yes to.
-How did Alcoa put Drucker's ideas about putting people first into action?
-What is the difference between efficiency & effectiveness?
-The 3 types of employees.
-What is Whole Foods method for successfully finding the right people?
Chapter 6
-The 3 qualities needed for effective decision making.
-The 4 Drucker questions for decision making.
-The 3 rules to determine if action is needed.
-What was Clairol's unexpected success?

NFL & the recession article.

-We discussed Chapter 5. Our discussion focused on: the 5 common approaches to programming, the 5 main categories of planners, & the 4 main goals to consider when determining program objectives.

-Read SBJ article, "Dynamic organizations build effectiveness from the inside out," on page 15.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


-Jennifer Rago, the Regional Sales Director of The Workout Club, came t class today & talked about her background, the fitness management industry, & she gave great advice for Sport Management majors.

-Industry Interview confirmation e-mail is due by class on Thursday.
-Read the Business of Spring Training article (pages 8-12).
-Read Chapter 5 & complete the following discussion questions:
1) Explain the origins of professional sport in America.
2) Explain the factors that have affected the growth of professional sport in America.
3) What are the 4 unique aspects of professional sport & explain each.
4) Explain the 4 aspects of revenue productions discussed in the chapter.
-SBJ Group 2: Lauren, Alex, Ryan N: On Thursday you must tell me what article you plan to discuss. You will present on Thursday 3/5.

Monday, February 23, 2009


-We finished our Chapter 5 discussion from last week (We would have finished this last Friday, but class was cancelled due to the weather.). Our discussion focused on the Catharsis Theory, Optimal Arousal Theory, Play as an Escape from Social Reality, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, & Nash's Pyramid of Leisure.

-Read Chapter 6 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) Explain guidelines for setting short-term & long-term leisure goals.
2) Explain what ultimate goals are.
3) Expalin the ABC rating system.
4) What is the "swiss cheese" approach?
5) What is "life patterning?"

This is an interesting article about the connection between the recession & fitness.

-You took Quiz #2 based on Chapters 3 & 4.
-We had our weekly board meeting. We set up a "to do" list and assigned items to each division. The big agenda item for next Monday will be to identify the individual events. Remeber, the even't main purpose is to incorporate the main theme of this class, which is wellness. The individual events need to incorporate physical activity as a wellness component, as well as diet & nutrition. I suggested a "Fitness Challenge" event that would incorporate physical activities, cardiovascualr activities, & diet & nutrition activities.

-Read Chapter 5 & answer the following questions:
1) What is the 2nd leading cause of preventable death in the US each year?
2) What are health consequences of obesity (Not the ones in the box. Look at the paragraph that starts: The American Heart Association...)?
3) What is yo-yo dieting & why is it bad?
4) Explain the following eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge-Eating Disorder.
5) What is the recommended caloric intake range?

IPOD hearing loss article.
Top 30 innovations article.

-I learned what a Monroe piercing is. You crazy kids.
-You learned that I am boycotting Slumdog Millionaire & I once had black/purple hair.
-We had a solid discussion about Erin's comment from last week: "You get paid to do your job; you don't get paid to do your job exceptionally."

-The following Drucker Chapter 6 discussion questions will be discussed:
1) What qualities are needed for effective decision making?
2) What are the 4 Drucker decision making questions?
3) How does Toyota make decisions?
4) What are the rules for determining whether a situation or opportunity warrants ction or not?
5) What is an issue tree & how did Peppridge Farm use it?
6) What was Clairol's "enexpected success?"

-You took Quiz #2 based on Chapters 3 & 4.

-Chapter 5 discussion question:
1a) What are the 5 common approaches to programming?
1b) Explain each.
1c) Explain, as a facility manager, under what circumstances you would choose each.
2) The chapter discusses 4 "planners" that are responsible for program planning. Who are they & what is their purpose?
3) What are the 4 goals/purposes that should be considered when determining program objectives?
4) Explain the 4 common types of tournaments.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Did you all know that I am an FPU rock star? Well, if the definition of an FPU rock star is someone who is featured in the Exchange, then call me a long lost Jonas brother. Check it out.

-No class because of the snow/ice.

-We will finish our discussion of Chapter 5. Have the following completed:
Discussion Questions:
1) Explain Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
2) Explain Nash's Pyramid of Leisure
-Read through Chapter 7 of Into The Wild.

-We finished our Chapter 4 discussion. We focused on body composition & the difference between overweight & obesity.

-Quiz #2: Chapters 3 & 4.
-Board Meeting after the quiz.

Chapter 3
-Define nutrition.
-What are essential nutrients?
-What are fuel nutrients?
-What are regulatory nutrients?
-What are macronutrietns?
-What are micronutrients?
-What is the 7th nutrient?
-What are the 5 essential food groups?
Chapter 4
-Define body composition.
-What is percent body fat?
-What is lean body mass?
-What is essential fat?
-What is storage fat & 3 basic functions?
-Difference between overweight & obesity.
-What are 3 most accurate techniques for assessing body composition?
-Know the Body Mass Index calculation formula.

How Facebook is taking over our lives article.
Why I hate Facebook article.

-Melissa came in late so I got a snack. Score!
-You passed in your research topic proposals.
-We picked the order of the World Is Flat group presentations.
-We finished our discussion of Drucker Chapter 5. Our discussion primarily focused on the management of knowledge workers. I advanced the PowerPoint slides too fast & Meghan got mad. Sorry!

-Agree/Disagree & why? "You get paid to do your job, you don't get paid to do you job exceptionally."
-Drucker Chapter 6 discussion questions:
1) What qualities are needed for effective decision making?
2) What are the 4 Drucker decision making questions?
3) How does Toyota make decisions?

Randy Moller goal calls.

-We discussed Master Planning & HOK Sport.

-Quiz #2: Chapters 3 & 4.
-Chapter 5 discussion question:
1a) What are the 5 common approaches to programming?
1b) Explain each.
1c) Explain, as a facility manager, under what circumstances you would choose each.

Chapter 3
-The 4 rules to brainstorming.
-What is a needs assessment survey?
-Know the categories of needs assessment information.
-Know the components of a needs assessment report.
-Difference between standing plans & single-use plans.
-Difference between short-range plans & long-range plans.
Chapter 4
-What are the categories of services that HOK Sport provides?
-What is master planning?
-What are the 3 questions master planning is used to answer?
-Steps to developing a master plan.
-Know these construction approaches: lump sum contract, design & build, fast tracking
-What is a performance bond?

Thursday, February 19, 2009


-We discussed SBJ articles & Chapter 4 in the textbook which talks about intercollegiate athletics.

-Read Chapter 5 & complete the following discussion questions:
1) Explain the origins of professional sport in America.
2) Explain the factors that have affected the growth of professional sport in America.
3) What are the 4 unique aspects of professional sport & explain each.
4) Explain the 4 aspects of revenue productions discussed in the chapter.
-SBJ Group #1 (Libby, Carolyn, Dan) needs to tell me on Tuesday what article(s) you plan to discuss for your presentation on 3/3.
-Your industry interview e-mail conformation is due by next Thursday.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


-We started our discussion of Chapter 5. We discussed "play," the surplus energy theory, the recreation theory, the relaxation theory, the compensation theory, the generalization theory.

-Discussion Questions:
1) Explain Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
2) Explain Nash's Pyramid of Leisure
-Read through Chapter 7 of Into The Wild.

-We watched the introduction to the documentary "Supersize Me," and discussed how much the fast food industry is to blame for the rising overweight & obesity numbers.

-Chapter 4 discussion questions due

Facebook article.

-We spent some time discussing ads in the new swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated & whether or not sex sells. We then began a discussion of Drucker Chapter 5.

-Drucker Chapter 5 discussion questions due
-Take a side on Erin's comment: People are paid to do heir job, but not everybody is paid to go above & beyond at their job.
-Research topic proposal due.

-From a facility management standpoint, we discussed NASCAR's decision to not finish the DAYTONA 500.

-Chapter 4 discussion questions are due:
What does HOK sport do?
What is master planning?
What are the 7 steps for developing a master plan?
What 3 questions is a master plan used to answer?

-The programming question is a Chapter 5 questions. Last week I accidentally posted it as a Chapter 4 question. You do not need to answer this for thi week.
-Quiz #2 on Chapters 3 & 4 will be on Monday.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


-You took Exam #1 based on Chapters 18, 1, & 2.
-We assigned the first 2 groups to present SBJ articles.
Group 1: Carolyn, Libby, Dan: On Tuesday 2/24 you must tell me what article you plan to discuss. You will present on Tuesday 3/3.
Group 2: Lauren, Alex, Ryan N: On Thursday 2/26 you must tell me what article you plan to discuss. You will present on Thursday 3/5.

-Read Chapter 4 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) When was the NCAA formed? Why was it formed?
2) Explain the difference between Division I, II, & III athletic programs.
3) Besides the NCAA, discuss 2 other national governing bodies.
4) Explain the one-plus-three model for intercollegiate athletics.
-Be ready to discuss 1 article from the February 9-15 SBJ.
-You must e-mail me who you plan to interview for the Industry Interview project no later than Thursday 2/26.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


-You took Quiz #3 based on textbook Chapter 4 & Into The Wild Chapters 4 & 5. After the quiz we finished our Chapter 4 discussion & talked about factors that affect the leisure participation of women.

-Read Chapter 5 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) Explain the following play theories:
-Surplus Energy Theory
-Recreation Theory
-Relaxation Theory
-Compensation Theory
-Generalization Theory
-Catharsis Theory
-Optimal Arousal Theory
-Play as an Escape From Social Reality Theory

-We finished our discussion of Chapter 3. We discussed the different categories of nutrition & the 5 essential food groups. We also talked about what we ate & drank on Thursday.

-Read Chapter 4 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) Define the following terms: body composition, percent body fat, lean body mass, recommended body weight, overweight, & obesity.
2) Explain what essential fat & storage fat are.
3) What are the 2 most accurate techniques presently available in fitness laboratories to assess body composition & give a brief explanation of each.
4) Explain Body Mass Index.

-We started class by learning that everyone n campus is sick becuse people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. You then submitted your Article Summary #1 & took Quiz #3 based on Drucker Chapter 4. After the quiz we talked about what each of you read & summarized for the article summary assignment.

-Read Drucker Chapter 5 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) Every person in an organiation should be able to answer "yes" to what 3 questions?
2) How did Alcoa put Drucker's ideas about putting people first into practice?
3) Why does management need to approach knowledge workers & service workers differently from the traditional blue-collar worker?
-The Reeacrh Topic Proposal is due next Friday.

-I let you off the hook & had a relaxing Friday class.

-We will discuss the following SBJ articles:
1) Lindros NHLPA (page 6)
2) HKS Metrodome (page 10)
3) NFL head coaches (page 25)
-We will also start a discussion of Chapter 4. Answer the following discussion questions:
1) Look up HOK Sport & explain what the company does.
2) What is Master Planning, what are the 7 steps for developing a Master Plan, & what 3 questions is it used to answer?
3) Explain the following:
A) Programming by objectives
B) Programming by desires of participants
C) Programming by perceived needs of participant
D) Programming cafeteria style

Thursday, February 12, 2009


-We finished our Chapter 2 discussion. Our discussion today focused on field experiences.

-Study for Exam #1: Chapters 18, 1, 2 (PowerPoint notes are posted on Blackboard)
-Be ready to discuss 1 SBJ article after the exam.

Chapter 18
-The 8 main reasons we are sports fans
-BIRGing & CORFing
-The 3 main benefits of sport
-The 4 issues of the dark side of sport
-Define: role learning, collective ritual, & stacking

Chapter 1
-Define sport, sports, & sport management
-Be able to explain the 3 sport industry segment models
-The 3 unique aspects of sport management
-Explain the 5 ethical maxims

Chapter 2
-The 3 main ways to keep up with current events in the sport management field
-Define & explain the 3 items necessary for success in sport management: professional preparation, professional attitude, career planning & management
-The 3 aspects of a professional image

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


-We continued our Chapter 4 discussion. We discussed sex as a leisure activity & the leisure participation patterns of women.

-Quiz #3: Textbook Chapter 4, Into The Wild Chapters 4 & 5.
-Into The Wild Blog Post #1 due before class on Friday.

-What are the 4 benefits of sex as a leisure activity that we discussed in class?
-Based on unscientific research conducted by the authors, what is the #1 recreation activity for college students?
-What 3 factors restrict leisure time for women?
-What are the 6 career categories in leisure services? Be able to give examples of each.
-What is "secondary" viewing?
-According to a study discussed in the chapter, although identified as their favorite leisure activity, how much time per day do Americans devote to sex?

-We started class off by discussing behaviors that we want to change about ourselves. We then began discussing Chapter 3. Our discussion focused on the importance of proper nutrition.

-Bring Chapter 3 discussion questions. I will collect them.
-Keep track of everything you eat & drink all day tomorrow.

-We started class by getting a lesson from Melissa about the meaning of the words "Bar" & "Bat." I showed my ignorance by having no idea what they meant. We then finished Chapter 3 & started discussing Chapter 4. We started class by discussing Drucker's 7 key sources of opportunities. We then moved in Chapter 4 & discussed Drucker's 3 collaboration questions; why Myelin Repair Foundation answered these questions; how Dell is a pioneer of collaboration.

-Quiz #3: Chapters 3 & 4
-Article Summary #1 due

-What 4 reasons did we discuss why innovation is important? Hint: Innovation is about...
-What are the 4 basic innovation questions?
-What does Starbucks exemplify true nnovation?
-What is Systematic Abandonment & how did Kimberly-Clark use it?
-What are the 7 key sources of opportunities & be able to give an example (from our class discussion) of each?
-What are Drucker's 3 collaboration questions?
-How is Dell a pioneer of collaboration?
-What 2 essentials make collaboration tick day to day and move in step with shortened windows of opportunity?
-Be able to discuss some advantages/disadvantages to group decision making.

-We discussed Chapter 3. Our discussion focused on: the rules to brainstorming; the categories of needs assessment information; the components of a needs assessment report; standing plans vs single-use plans.

-SBJ articled:
1) Lindros (Page 6)
2) HKS (Page 10)
3) NFL Head Coaches (Page 25)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


-We started class by discussing the weekend's SBJ articles. The first article discussed MLB Commissioner Bud Selig's salary, and the second articled discussed what sport licensees are doing to survive the recession. We then began a discussion of Chapter 2. We discussed what NASPE-NASSM is & what the chapter suggests sport management students do to keep up with current events in the sport management field.

-In addition to the Chapter 2 questions being due on Thursday, here are 2 more:
1) How does the SNHU sport managment program meet the NASPE-NASSM curriculum standards?
2) What are the requirements to successfully complete a sport management internship at SNHU?

Monday, February 9, 2009


-We discussed Exercise 3.1 which takes a look at your popular leisure activities & the factors that have affected the activities. We then began our Chapter 4 discussion by taking a look at what studies have found to be college students most popular leisure activities.

-We will discuss the Chapter 4 discussion questions:
1) Explain the factors that restrict the freedom of women with respect to leisure.
2) Explain the areas where careers in leisure services exist.
-Into The Wild Blog post #1 is due before class starts on Friday.

-You took Quiz #1 based on Chapters 1 & 2.
-We had our board meeting. Our agenda was the event itself. After discussing possible events, we voted and the winner was an FPU Multi-event Challenge.

1) What is the difference between simple & complex carbohydrates?
2) What is the difference between soluble & insoluble fiber?
3) What is the difference between simple, compound, & derived fats?
4) What is a well-balanced diet?

-First & foremost, we learned that under no circumstances is it OK to listen to Miley Cyrus or the Jonas Brothers. We then discussed Chapter 3. Our discussion focused on the homework questions: Why does Starbucks exemplify what Drucker considered to be true innovation? What are Drucker's 4 basic questions about innovation? What is systematic abandonment?

-We will finish our Chapter 3 discussion by looking at: What are Drucker's 7 key sources of opportunities?
-After we finish Chapter 3, we will move into Chapter 4. Here are the Chapter 4 discussion questions:
1) What are the 3 (just the first question in each group) Drucker questions about collaboration & orchestration?
2) How did Myelin Repair Foundation answer these 3 questions?
3) How is Dell a "pioneer of collaboration?"
4) What makes collaboration tick day to day & move in step with shortened windows of opportunity?
5) In your opinion, what are the advantages & disadvantages of group decision making?
-Article Summary #1 due Friday.

-We began looking at Chapter 3 by doing a group brainstorming activity. You were lost at sea & needed to rank supplies in order of survival.

-Chapter 3 discussion questions are due:
1) State & explain the 4 rules to brainstorming.
2) State & explain the categories of needs assessment information.
3) What is a Needs Assessment Survey & what are the components of a Needs Assessment Report?
4) What is the difference between standing plans & single-use plans?

Friday, February 6, 2009


-You took Quiz #2.
-We divided into 5 groups for the group presentation project.

-Complete exercise 3.1 on page 57. Pick your top 5, not 10, leisure activities.
-Read Chapter 4 & complete the following discussion questions:
1) Explain the factors that restrict the freedom of women with respect to lesiure.
2) Explain the areas where careers in leisure services exist.
-Into The Wild Blog post #1 is due next Friday.

-We discussed Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on environmental influences on physical activity and diet & nutrition.

-Quiz #1: Chapters 1 & 2
-Board Meeting
Our meeting agenda will be the event. Give thought to which event we should do. Remember, the event must tie in a theme from class.

Chapter 1:
-What re the #1 & #2 threats to public health in the US?
-What is SeDS?
-What is the difference between life expectancy & healthy life expectancy?
-What are the leading causes of death in the US?
-What are the 7 dimensions of wellness?
Chapter 2:
-What are the environmental influences on physical activity that we discussed in class?
-What are the environmental influences on diet & nutrition that we discussed in class?
-What is traffic calming?
-What is value marketing?
-Whata re the most common reasons for people making unhealthy choices?
-Be able to explain SMART Goals.

Here is an article about the popularity of non-traditional forms on television viewing.
I will take your advice and be on the alert for crazy Methuen Market Basket shoppers.
I have some advice for you: Base, Pace, Hydrate.

-Quiz #2.
-You chose groups for the group presentation project.
-We discussed why it is important for companies to innovate & examples of innovative companies.

-Chapter 3 discussion questions:
1) Why does Starbucks exemplify what Drucker considered to be true innovation?
2) What are Drucker's 4 basic questions about innovation?
3) What is systematic abandonment?
4) What are Drucker's 7 key sources of opportunities?
-Article Summary #1 is due next Friday. Check the syllabus for assignment directions.
-Get in touch with me regarding your research topic so you can be sure your proposal will be approved.

-Quiz #1.
-We chose groups for the SBJ group presentation project.
-SBJ articles discussion.

-Chapter 3 discussion questions:
1) State & explain the 4 rules to brainstorming.
2) State & explain the categories of needs assessment information.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


-We discussed the Super Bowl & NHL Sports Business Journal articles.
-We discussed textbook Chapter 1. We looked at the definitions of sport, sports, & sport management. We also looked at the 3 sport industry segmentation models. Finally, we discussed the 3 unique aspects of sport management.
-We divided up into 5 groups for the upcoming Sports Business Journal article group presentations. If you were absent, I placed you in a group. Below are the groups:

Group 1:
Derrick Lay
Jon Mayo
Austin Britt
Andrew Taylor

Group 2:
Lauren Hawkins
Alex Costas
Ryan Nally

Group 3
Joe Landry
Ross Brown
Ryan Hayes
Richie Pecoraro

Group 4
Kyle Barrows
Justin Mansfield
Curtis Burke

Group 5
Carolyn Daw
Libby Cullerot
Dan Cowan

-Chapter 2 discussion questions:
1) What is NASPE-NASSM?
2) How can professional preparation, a professional attitude, & career planning and management contribute to your success in sport management?
3) What is a field experience, and how can they benefit you as a sport management major?
-SBJ article: Selig's Pay Climbs Past $18 million (page: cover)
1) Why could the latest MLB tax filing be considered an incomplete return?
2) Why will this tax filing for the MLB be the last one available to the public?
-SBJ article: Licensees change to try to accommodate strapped retailers (page 10)
1) Why is team licensed sports apparel more recession-proof than other businesses in the retail community?
2) How have WinCraft & Fathead adjusted for the down economy?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I sent an e-mail to all of you regarding class today. It is my expectation that you come to every class prepared & ready to participate in the discussion. Coming to class means having your homework done, your textbook open to the chapter we are discussing, & a notbeook in front of you. Additionally, if you are too tired to participate in class or to sit upright at your desk, do not come to class.

-We discussed Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on the factors that will increase our leisure time in the 21st century & the factors that will decrease our leisure time in the 21st century.

-Quiz #2: Textbook Chapters 2 & 3 and Into The Wild Chapters 2 & 3.
-Chapter 3 discussion questions:
1) What effect did the following factors have on the recreation movement in the 20th century:
A) Technological advances
B) Increased specialization of work
C) Women's liberation movement
2) What effect will the following factors have on the recreation movement in the 21st century:
A) Increasing globalization
B) Worldwide terrorism
C) Technology
3) What factors will continue to affect the recreation movement in the 21st century?
-We will pick groups for the group presentation project. We need 3 groups of 5 & 2 groups of 6.

-Be able to define the following terms:
leisure class, leisure ethic, limitless materialism, ambiguous free timer
-Be able to explain the 4 factors causing a decline in free time that we discussed in class.
-Be able to explain the 4 factors causing an increase in free time that we discussed in class.
-Be able to explain the 3 leisure-related problems prevalent in 21st century society that the textbook discusses.
-Be able to explain the 3 factors that will continue to affect the recreation movement in the 21st century.

-We finished our Chapter 1 discussion & began a Chapter 2 discussion. Our discussion focused on the leading causes of death in the US & the different dimensions of wellness. Conversations in class have been excellent so far. Keep it up!

-Bring the Chapter 2 discussion questions.
-Identify 2 behaviors that you wish to change & then complete Exercise 2.3 on page 53.

Here is a link to an article about the Denny's promotion.
Frank wasn't kidding. Check it out.
-We discussed Chapter 2: The Customer. Our discussion focused on why/how the customer, more so today than ever, is in the driver's seat. We talked about marketing strategues, push & pull, for attracting customers. We also discussed the 4 Drucker questions that companies need to ask when connecting with their customer.

-Quiz #2: Drucker Chapter 2 & 3.
-Drucker Chapter 3 question:
1) Pick a company that you think is innovative (other than Apple). Why do you consider the company innovative? What are the company's strengths?
-Decide who you want to work with for the group presentation.
-Continue working on your research topic.

-Be able to explain the Customer Satisfaction Model.
-Be able to explain push & pull marketing and give examples from our class discussion.
-How does Medtronics personify Drucker's ideal of customer focus?
-What are the 4 Drucker questions for connecting with your customer?
-Drucker states that there is never only 1 customer. How do the Girl Scouts & Avon personify this concept?
-The results of any institution only exist where?
-What are Drucker's 2 rules for collaboration?

-We finished the Chapter 2 discussion. Our discussion focused on: The importance of Human Resource Management. Why is in-service training important & what should be the elements of an effective program? Why is a rewards system essential important to maintaining employee morale?

-Quiz #1: Chapters 1 & 2
-SBJ articles:
360 Architecture (page 5)
1) Other than safety, what is another risk for US firms like 360 Architecture, when doing work in the Middle east?
2) What sports event will Iraq play host to in 2013?
Versus/NHL (page 6)
1) How is Versus trying to attract younger viewers?
2) What is "shoulder programming?"
Activating A Suite (page 12)
1) A suite can provide a company a method to tell a story as well as afford opportunities for what 3 things?
2)What elements can be used to make the suite more than one-dimensional and tie in the above?

-The above 3 SBJ articles.
-What 3 qualities must leaders possess to inspire people to follow?
-What leadership quality is the key to being a great leader?
-What leadership quality is the most valuabe asset of a leader?
-What are the 3 main reasons to have a written policies & procedures manual?
-What content should the policies reflect?
-Know: the 2 classifications of employees, the 4 special types of employees, the 3 categories of employees.
-What are the 3 components of a job description?
-What are the elements of effective in-service training?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


-We started class by breaking into smaller groups & discussing the homework questions for Chapter 1 & the SBJ articles. As a large group, we then finished our discussion of Chapter 18 by discussing the "dark side" of sport.

-We will discuss Chapter 1 on Thursday so make sure you bring your Chapter 1 discussion questions homework to class.
-We will also discuss the SBJ articles so make sure you read them over & are ready to discuss.
-We will also split up into groups for the SBJ group presentations. Give some thought to who you want to work with. We need 3 groups of 3 & 2 groups of 4.

Monday, February 2, 2009


-Quiz #1 was due.
-We finished the Chapter 1 discussion. We defined: leisure, work, personal care, & recreation. We also discussed Neulinger's Paradigm of Leisure, the Classical View of Leisure, & the Antiutilitarian View of Leisure.

-We will discuss Chapter 2. Have your Chapter 2 discussion questions completed:
1) Will leisure time grow or decline n the future? Why?
2) According to the textbook, what factors will contribute to the growth or decline of leisure in the future?
-Figure out who you want to work with for the group presentation. We will choose groups on Friday.

-We had our 2nd board meeting. We finished the meeting bylaws & had an event brainstorming session. Here are the meeting notes:
1) Business Divisions
Marketing Operations Sponsorships
- Dan V.P. - Frantz V.P. - Kelly V.P.
- Hakeem - Mike - Erin
- Alexis - Anthony - Kaylee
- Robbie -Vaughn - Dan
- Ethan - Dave - Pat
- Gabriella - Courtney - Rob
- Thati - Sam - Kevin
- Max - Kevin - Jay
2) Bylaws
* Dress Code: Attatched to performance
* Agenda: Friday's Blog
- Monday's Agenda
- V.P. needs to e-mail CEO (Keith) with important parts from their divisions prior to Friday (noon)
* Format: Horseshoe along 3 walls, sit in divisions
* Accountability
- Division Secretary (figure out by Monday)
- take division attendance
- V.P. should e-mail person who is absent (Cc the CEO)
- Division discussion on WebCT (Detjen's Homework!!!)
*6th Bylaw: Voting
- open
- majority
- CEO official tiebreaker
3) Event Ideas
* Family Wellness Night
-Educational demonstration by age
-Fitness and Nutrition
* FPU Fitness Event
- Class vs. Class / Profs / Staff
* Pros vs. Joes
- Pros: FPU athletes / coaches
- Joes: Community or College students
* Walk-a-thon
* Team Competition
* Fitness / Nutrition Trivia Game
Things to think about during the week:
* What is the event going to be?
* How will we incorporate education?

-We will finish our Chapter 1 discussion and begin a discussion of Chapter 2. The Chapter 2 discussion questions are due:
1) Our environment is not conducive to a healthy, physically active lifestyle. Why? What environmental factors influence physical activity? What environmental factors influence diet & nutrition?
2) Barriers to change: What are the most common reasons for people making unhealthy choices? 3) Motivation & locus of control: What 3 impediments keep people from taking action of their health?
4) Techniques of change: Explain SMART goals.

Here is a link to an article about iTunes Genius.
Check this website out about Groundhog Day. I think you should all join the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club.

-We finished our Drucker Chapter 1 discussion from last week about the 5 fronts that the Silent Revolution too place on. We then began a discussion about Drucker Chapter 2: The Customer. We discussed the Super Bowl commercials, and attempted to watch some of them expect that good ole FPU network screwed us. You can view them here.

-The Chapter 2 questions are due:
1) How does Medtronic personify Drucker's ideal of customer focus?
2) What are the 4 Drucker questions that a company should answer when connecting with its customer?
3) Why is identifying noncustomers important?
-Also, pick a company and:
1) Identify its core customer.
2) Identify other customer markets that the company adverties to.
-I want to have the groups for the group presentations picked by Friday. If you know who you want in your group, send me an e-mail. We need 3 groups of 5 & 2 groups of 4.

-We discussed last week's SBJ articles. We discussed 2 Super Bowl articles and 1 article about the partnership with the Mets, Aramark, & Zachy's Wine & Liquor.

-Chapter 2 discussion questions are due:
1) Why is in-service training important & what should be the elements of an effective program?
2) Why is a rewards system essential important to maintaining employee morale?
3) What are the procedures for terminations by the employee & the procedures for terminations by the organization?
4) What should the procedures be for an employee reporting inappropriate behavior (sexual harassment)?
-I want to have the SBJ group presentation groups picked by Friday. We need 6 groups of 3. E-mail me if you already have a group chosen.