Thursday, February 5, 2009


-We discussed the Super Bowl & NHL Sports Business Journal articles.
-We discussed textbook Chapter 1. We looked at the definitions of sport, sports, & sport management. We also looked at the 3 sport industry segmentation models. Finally, we discussed the 3 unique aspects of sport management.
-We divided up into 5 groups for the upcoming Sports Business Journal article group presentations. If you were absent, I placed you in a group. Below are the groups:

Group 1:
Derrick Lay
Jon Mayo
Austin Britt
Andrew Taylor

Group 2:
Lauren Hawkins
Alex Costas
Ryan Nally

Group 3
Joe Landry
Ross Brown
Ryan Hayes
Richie Pecoraro

Group 4
Kyle Barrows
Justin Mansfield
Curtis Burke

Group 5
Carolyn Daw
Libby Cullerot
Dan Cowan

-Chapter 2 discussion questions:
1) What is NASPE-NASSM?
2) How can professional preparation, a professional attitude, & career planning and management contribute to your success in sport management?
3) What is a field experience, and how can they benefit you as a sport management major?
-SBJ article: Selig's Pay Climbs Past $18 million (page: cover)
1) Why could the latest MLB tax filing be considered an incomplete return?
2) Why will this tax filing for the MLB be the last one available to the public?
-SBJ article: Licensees change to try to accommodate strapped retailers (page 10)
1) Why is team licensed sports apparel more recession-proof than other businesses in the retail community?
2) How have WinCraft & Fathead adjusted for the down economy?

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