Monday, February 2, 2009


-Quiz #1 was due.
-We finished the Chapter 1 discussion. We defined: leisure, work, personal care, & recreation. We also discussed Neulinger's Paradigm of Leisure, the Classical View of Leisure, & the Antiutilitarian View of Leisure.

-We will discuss Chapter 2. Have your Chapter 2 discussion questions completed:
1) Will leisure time grow or decline n the future? Why?
2) According to the textbook, what factors will contribute to the growth or decline of leisure in the future?
-Figure out who you want to work with for the group presentation. We will choose groups on Friday.

-We had our 2nd board meeting. We finished the meeting bylaws & had an event brainstorming session. Here are the meeting notes:
1) Business Divisions
Marketing Operations Sponsorships
- Dan V.P. - Frantz V.P. - Kelly V.P.
- Hakeem - Mike - Erin
- Alexis - Anthony - Kaylee
- Robbie -Vaughn - Dan
- Ethan - Dave - Pat
- Gabriella - Courtney - Rob
- Thati - Sam - Kevin
- Max - Kevin - Jay
2) Bylaws
* Dress Code: Attatched to performance
* Agenda: Friday's Blog
- Monday's Agenda
- V.P. needs to e-mail CEO (Keith) with important parts from their divisions prior to Friday (noon)
* Format: Horseshoe along 3 walls, sit in divisions
* Accountability
- Division Secretary (figure out by Monday)
- take division attendance
- V.P. should e-mail person who is absent (Cc the CEO)
- Division discussion on WebCT (Detjen's Homework!!!)
*6th Bylaw: Voting
- open
- majority
- CEO official tiebreaker
3) Event Ideas
* Family Wellness Night
-Educational demonstration by age
-Fitness and Nutrition
* FPU Fitness Event
- Class vs. Class / Profs / Staff
* Pros vs. Joes
- Pros: FPU athletes / coaches
- Joes: Community or College students
* Walk-a-thon
* Team Competition
* Fitness / Nutrition Trivia Game
Things to think about during the week:
* What is the event going to be?
* How will we incorporate education?

-We will finish our Chapter 1 discussion and begin a discussion of Chapter 2. The Chapter 2 discussion questions are due:
1) Our environment is not conducive to a healthy, physically active lifestyle. Why? What environmental factors influence physical activity? What environmental factors influence diet & nutrition?
2) Barriers to change: What are the most common reasons for people making unhealthy choices? 3) Motivation & locus of control: What 3 impediments keep people from taking action of their health?
4) Techniques of change: Explain SMART goals.

Here is a link to an article about iTunes Genius.
Check this website out about Groundhog Day. I think you should all join the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club.

-We finished our Drucker Chapter 1 discussion from last week about the 5 fronts that the Silent Revolution too place on. We then began a discussion about Drucker Chapter 2: The Customer. We discussed the Super Bowl commercials, and attempted to watch some of them expect that good ole FPU network screwed us. You can view them here.

-The Chapter 2 questions are due:
1) How does Medtronic personify Drucker's ideal of customer focus?
2) What are the 4 Drucker questions that a company should answer when connecting with its customer?
3) Why is identifying noncustomers important?
-Also, pick a company and:
1) Identify its core customer.
2) Identify other customer markets that the company adverties to.
-I want to have the groups for the group presentations picked by Friday. If you know who you want in your group, send me an e-mail. We need 3 groups of 5 & 2 groups of 4.

-We discussed last week's SBJ articles. We discussed 2 Super Bowl articles and 1 article about the partnership with the Mets, Aramark, & Zachy's Wine & Liquor.

-Chapter 2 discussion questions are due:
1) Why is in-service training important & what should be the elements of an effective program?
2) Why is a rewards system essential important to maintaining employee morale?
3) What are the procedures for terminations by the employee & the procedures for terminations by the organization?
4) What should the procedures be for an employee reporting inappropriate behavior (sexual harassment)?
-I want to have the SBJ group presentation groups picked by Friday. We need 6 groups of 3. E-mail me if you already have a group chosen.

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