Friday, January 30, 2009


Well, we had such a good discussion about sports moments/games/athletes/teams that transcended the sports world & impacted society that we didn't have time to get to our Chapter 1 discussion. No big deal; there is plenty of time next week (weather permitting) to get to it. So, on Monday we will spend some time at the beginning of class discussing textbook Chapter 1.

-Quiz #1 is to be completed at home this weekend & submitted at the beginning of class on Monday. I will not accept it late.
-Discussion questions for Chapter 2:
1) Will leisure time grow or decline in the future? Why?
2) According to the textbook, what factors will contribute to the growth or decline of leisure time in the future?
-Enjoy the Super Bowl!

We started Chapter 1 and had a very good discussion. We discussed: The top 2 threats to public health in the US. Sedentary Death Syndrome. The difference between life expectancy & healthy life expectancy. The reasons why the US ranks 24th out of 191 developed countries in terms of life expectancy. Our discussion was so good, in fact, that we were unable to finish the chapter. No worries, we will finish Chapter 1 at the beginning of class on Wednesday. We will start our discussion with the leading causes of death in the US.

-For the Board Meeting on Monday:
1) We will divide into the 3 business divisions: 8 members in each. Give thought to which division you want to work in.
2) Finalize bylaws: Give thought to what we discussed on Monday & what is being discussed on the WebCT threaded discussion.
3) Finalize event: Come to class on Monday with some event ideas to discuss. Give thought to what is being discussed on the WebCT threaded discussion.
-Chapter 2 discussion questions for Wednesday:
1) Our environment is not conducive to a healthy, physically active lifestyle. Why? What environmental factors influence physical activity? What environmental factors influence diet & nutrition?
2) Barriers to change: What are the most common reasons for people making unhealthy choices? 3) Motivation & locus of control: What 3 impediments keep people from taking action of their health?
4) Techniques of change: Explain SMART goals.
-Enjoy the Super Bowl!

-Great job with the discussion today. Keep it up. We continued our Chapter 1 discussion. We discussed the first 3 fronts that the Silent Revolution took place on. 1) Information flew. 2) The geographic reach of companies & customers exploded. 3) The most basic demographic assumptions were upended. We have 2 more fronts to discuss, so we will do that on Monday.

-Quiz #1 due at the beginning of class on Monday. I will not accept it late.
-Be ready to discuss 2 Super Bowl commercials that you thought did an effective job at speaking to the company's core audience.
-Read Chapter 2 & complete the following discussion questions:
1) How does Medtronic personify Drucker's ideal of customer focus?
2) What are the 4 Drucker questions that a company should answer when connecting with its customer?
3) Why is identifying noncustomers important?
-Think about a research topic.
-Don't go & procreate this weekend. Leave that to the people who have octuplets.

-We continued our Chapter 1 discussion. Our discussion focused on why a written Policies & Procedures manual is important & what content it should address.

-Read the assigned SBJ articles: Getting in the game for the game (p.4A), Record-size security staff... (p.21A), Zachy's will deliver...(p.14).
-Read Chapter 2 & have these discussion questions completed for Wednesday:
1) Why is in-service training important & what should be the elements of an effective program?
2) Why is a rewards system essential important to maintaining employee morale?
3) What are the procedures for terminations by the employee & the procedures for terminations by the organization?
4) What should the procedures be for an employee reporting inappropriate behavior (sexual harassment)?
-Enjoy the Super Bowl!

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