Wednesday, February 27, 2008


TODAY: We discussed the group presentation and assigned dates for each group. We finished our Chapter 6 discussion. We focused on:
-ABC Rating System
-"Transition Time"
-"Swiss Cheese" Approach
-80/20 Rule To Leisure
-Common Time Wasters (4)

HOMEWORK: There is no class this Friday. For Monday:
-Quiz #5 based on Textbook Chapter 6 & Into The Wild Chapters 6 & 7
-Daily Inventory due
-Read & be ready to discuss Into The Wild Chapters 6 & 7
-We will start Textbook Chapter 7 discussion at the end of class

-Be able to explain some benefits of leisure planning & goal setting
-3 Types of Leisure Goals
-ABC Rating System
-Transition Time
-Swiss Cheese Approach
-80/20 Rule to Leisure
-Common Time Wasters (4)

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: We watched & discussed a clip from The Corporation video about corporate marketing.

HOMEWORK: No class on Friday. Read & be ready to discuss the first half of Chapter 1 in The Corporation on Monday.

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We wathced and discussed a clip from the film, The Corporation, about what a corporation is.


TODAY: We discussed Chapter 5. Our discussion focused on:
-Program Development: 5 main categories of planners
-11 Program Development Elements
-5 Steps In Program Development
-4 goals to consider when determining program objectives
-5 common approaches to programming

-Quiz #5: Chapters 5 & 6
-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 6

Chapter 5
-Program Development: 5 main categories of planners
-4 goals to consider when determining program objectives
-5 common approaches to programming
Chapter 6
-Define Internal Control
-5 Internal Control Components
-Define: Cash Flow, Operating Cash Flow, Cash Flow Budget

Monday, February 25, 2008


TODAY: We discussed the first half of Chapter 6. Our discussion included:
-Benefits of leisure planning
-Short-term, Long-term, & Ultimate leisure goals
-Exercise 6.2

-Exercise 6.3 due Wednesday
-Daily inventory due Friday

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: We started class by discussing the World is Flat group presentation project. All groups were assigned chapters & dates. We then had a conversation about what a corporation is, and watched a clip for the The Corporation film.


IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We took Quiz #4 based on Drucker Chapters 19 & 20. We discussed the World is Flat group presentation project. All groups were assigned chapters and dates. We finished class by discussing Drucker Chapter 20. Our conversation focused on the dos and don'ts of the principles of innovation.


TODAY: We took Quiz #4 based on Chapter 4. We discussed the group presentation project. All groups were assigned chapters and dates.

HOMEWORK: Read and be ready to discuss Chapter 5. You were divided into groups and given an assignment based on information from the chapter. Be prepared to discuss your assignment.
-Matt R, Jenna, Ben, Jameson: Programming By Objectives & Effective Scheduling
-Kurt, Barrett, Ryan: Programming By Desires of Participants, A Good Schedule
-Matt B, Claire, Jen, Jo: Programming By Perceived Needs of Participant, Mechanics of a Sound Schedule
-Frantz, Hakeem, Mareek: Programming Cafeteria Style, Fundamentals of Booking Events
-Ted, Fred, Sean: Programming By External Requirements, Types of Tournaments & Selecting Particular Type of Tournament

Friday, February 22, 2008


ALL CLASSES: As we approach the mid-semester point, a couple reminders. 1) I expect that you come to class prepared (homework/reading, textbook, pen/pencil, notebook, etc.). 2) I expect, as we discuss the chapters, that you follow along with the textbook so you can answer questions and contribute to the discussion. The textbook should not be on your desk closed or in your bag, it should be opened to the chapter we are discussing.

-We took Quiz #4 based on Textbook Chapter 5 & Into The Wild Chapters 4 & 5.
-We discussed Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs & how it applies to leisure.
-We discussed Into The Wild and focused on a Tolstoy passage Chris had highlighted & the significance of Chris abandoning his car.

-I handed out a daily inventory. You should fill this out from Saturday-Wednesday. It is due next Friday. Keep track of the leisure and non-leisure activities you do over that time period and the amount of time you spend doing them.
-We will discuss Chapter 6 next week. Read & be ready to discuss.

IC212 (10:00)
-We took Quiz #4 based on Drucker Chapters 19 & 20.
-I passed back your research topic proposals. If you have a "see me" checked then you need to make an appointment with me to discuss. No one will be allowed to submit a paper without me first approving your topic.
-We discussed Drucker Chapter 20 and focused on the "dos" and "don'ts" of the principles of innovation.

-None! Enjoy the weekend.

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: Class was canceled due to weather.

-We will take Quiz #4 based on Drucker Chapters 19 & 20 on Monday.
-We will discuss Drucker Chapter 20 on Monday.
-Remember, if you received a "see me" or "disapproved" mark on your research topic proposal you need to make an appointment with me. Also, if you have not passed in a research topic proposal you need to do so ASAP. No one will be allowed to submit a paper without me first approving your topic.

TODAY: Once again, class was canceled due to weather. Have fun now, because you will be making up for all this lost class time next week.

-We will take Quiz #4 based on Chapter 4 on Monday and discuss Chapter 4.
-We will discuss Chapter 5 on Wednesday.
-We will discuss Chapter 6 on Friday.
-Quiz #5 on Friday will cover our Chapters 5 & 6 discussions.
-READ & be ready to DISCUSS these chapters next week.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


1) Who was the only bachelor President?
2) What significant American sports event took place 28 years ago this Friday (2/22)?

TODAY: We began a discussion based on Chapter 5. Our discussion focused on:
-The Surplus Energy Theory
-The Recreation Theory
-The Relaxation Theory
-The Compensation Theory
-The Generalization Theory
-The Catharsis Theory
-Karl Menninger's Categorization of Hobbies & Interests

-Into The Wild Blog Post #1 due before class
-Quiz #4: Textbook Chapter 5 and Into The Wild Chapters 4 & 5
-Read & be ready to discuss Into The Wild Chapters 4 & 5

-Define "Play"
-Explain theories: Surplus Energy, Recreation, Compensation, Generalization, Catharsis
-Explain Menninger's Categorization of Hobbies & Interests
-Identify the levels in Maslow's Pyramid & corresponding recreational activities that meet each levels needs
-Identify Nash's Pyramid & & the corresponsing leisure activities that correspond to each level

TODAY: We discussed Drucker Chapter 19. We began class by doing the "Human Rubicks Cube Exercise." This lead to a discussion of Chapter 19 based on:
-Charisma & Leadership
-The 3 fundamentals of leadership
-The 6 characteristics of a good leader

-Quiz #4: Drucker Chapters 19 & 20
-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapter 20

Chapter 19
-The 3 fundamentals defining what leadership is
-The 6 statements explaining what a good leader is
Chapter 20
-The principles of innovation (5 Dos & 3 Don'ts)
-The 3 conditions for a successful innovation

TODAY: We discussed Drucker Chapter 19. We began class by doing the "Human Rubicks Cube Exercise." This lead to a discussion of Chapter 19 based on:-Charisma & Leadership
-The 3 fundamentals of leadership
-The 6 characteristics of a good leader

-Quiz #4: Drucker Chapters 19 & 20
-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapter 20

Chapter 19
-The 3 fundamentals defining what leadership is
-The 6 statements explaining what a good leader is
Chapter 20
-The principles of innovation (5 Dos & 3 Don'ts)
-The 3 conditions for a successful innovation

TODAY: We discussed Chapter 3. Our discussion focused on:
-The 4 rules to brainstorming
-The purpose of a Needs Assessment Survey
-The 8 categories of needs assessment information
-Components of a Needs Assessment Report
-The 5 step process to surveys

-Check out this website
-Quiz #4: Chapter 4
-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 4

-What is HOK Sport & what are some of the services they offer
-What is Master Planning and what 3 questions can it be used to answer
-Define: RFQ & RFP
-Explain the difference between these construction approaches: lump sum contract, design & build, fast tracking
-What is a performance bond
-What dollar value distinguishes small projects from larger projects
-What is a punch list

Sunday, February 17, 2008


ALL CLASSES: No class on Monday because of President's Day. See you Wednesday.

-We took Quiz #3 based on textbook Chapter 4 and Into The Wild Chapters 2 & 3.
-We finished our discussion on Chapter 4, focusing on the leisure participation patterns of women.
-We ran out of time and did not get to discuss Into The Wild, so we will discuss Chapters 2-5 next Friday.

-Read & be ready to discuss textbook Chapter 5.
-Into The Wild Blog post #1 due next Friday (2/22).

IC212 (10:00)
-We took Quiz #3 based on Drucker Chapters 13, 14, 15, 16.
-We discussed Drucker Chapters 15 & 16 and focused on: Action Conclusion, Performance, and Characteristics of Time.

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapter 19.

IC212 (2:00)
-We took Quiz #3 based on Drucker Chapters 13, 14, 15, 16.
-We discussed Drucker Chapters 15 & 16 and focused on: Action Conclusion, Performance, and Characteristics of Time.

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapter 19.

-We took Quiz #3 based on Chapter 3.

-Be ready to discuss Chapter 3 for Wednesday and ready & be ready to discuss Chapter 4 for Friday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


ALL CLASSES: Canceled due to weather.

This is what we will be doing in class on Friday:
-Quiz #3 based on Textbook Chapter 4 & Into The Wild Chapters 2 & 3.
-Finish Textbook Chapter 4 discussion.
-Discuss Into The Wild Chapters 2 & 3.

-Be able to explain "secondary viewing" as it applies to television viewing.
-Be able to explain the 3 factors that restrict the freedom of women with respect to leisure.
-Be able to identify the 6 areas where careers in leisure services exist.
-Be able to identify the 5 categories within the area of commercial recreation.
-According to 2001 Durex survey, what % of Americans claimed to have sex daily?
-Into The Wild Chapters 2 & 3

This is what we will be doing in class on Friday:
-Quiz #3 based on Drucker Chapters 13, 14, 15, 16.
-We will discuss Drucker Chapters 15 & 16.

Chapters 13 & 14:
-Be able to define what a knowledge worker is and their 3 essential resources.
-Know that the main managerial philosophy for managing knowledge workers is empowerment.
-Be able to identify the 4 executive realities.
-Be able to identify the 4 basic requirements to effective human relations.
Chapters 15 & 16:
-Be able to identify what a feedback analysis is.
-Be able to identify 2 action conclusions.
-What are characteristics of time?
-Identify the 3 step process what is the foundation of executive effectiveness.
-Identify some time-wasters caused by management & organizational deficiency.

This is what we will be doing in class on Friday:
-Quiz #3 based on Chapter 3.
-Chapter 3 will be discussed next Wednesday & Chapter 4 will be discussed next Friday.

-Be able to identify the 4 rules to brainstorming.
-Be able to identify the 8 categories of needs assessment information.
-In a SWOT Chart, internal strengths are categorized as what and external weaknesses are categorized as what?
-What tool provides the greatest opportunity to solicit consumer input?
-Be able to identify the steps in the planning process.
-Be able to explain the difference between standing plans & single-use plans.
-Define "perfectionism."
-Identify the purpose of an executive summary as a component of a Needs Assessment Report.

Monday, February 11, 2008


ALL CLASSES: Swoosh! Inside Nike is a documentary about the Nike empire that premieres Tuesday night at 10:00pm on CNBC. Check it out.

TODAY: We discussed the first half of Chapter 4. We started class by using an exercise to look at the amount of leisure and non-leisure hours you have in an average weekday and what the main activities are in each of those categories. After the exercise we took a look at statistics showing the top sedentary activities of Americans, sex as a leisure activity, the recreation patterns of college students, and the satisfaction of leisure.

HOMEWORK: Be ready to discuss the second half of Chapter 4.

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: You turned in your Research Topic Proposals. I will have them back to you no later than next Wednesday. We then discussed Drucker Chapters 13 & 14. We used the following questions as a basis of discussion:
-What is a knowledge worker & what purpose do they serve business?
-How should you manage knowledge workers to get the most production?
-Who is an executive?
-What are executive realities?
-Why is contribution important?
-What are the 4 basic requirements to effective human relations?

HOMEWORK: Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 15 & 16.

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: You turned in your Research Topic Proposals. I will have them back to you no later than next Wednesday. We then discussed Drucker Chapters 13 & 14. We used the following questions as a basis of discussion:
-What is a knowledge worker & what purpose do they serve business?
-How should you manage knowledge workers to get the most production?
-Who is an executive?
-What are executive realities?

HOMEWORK: Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 15 & 16.

TODAY: We did a small group exercise based on, "Brainstorming," the main topic of Chapter 3. The exercise, called the Lost at Sea Exercise, had you categorize 15 survival items by importance. Congratulations to Jenna, Jen, Jameson & Ryan for winning the game.

HOMEWORK: Group work:
-Group 1: Brainstorming (Why is it important & what are the rules?)
-Group 2: Needs Assessment (What is it & what are the components?)
-Group 3: Surveys (Why use them & what is the process of implementation?)
-Group 4: Planning Process (What are the steps?)

Sunday, February 10, 2008


TODAY: We took Quiz #2 based on chapters 2 & 3 in the textbook as well as the author's notes and chapter 1 from Into The Wild. After the quiz, we broke into smaller groupd and completed Exercise 3.1 and then discussed it as a class. Finally, we discussed the first reading assignment from Into The Wild. We focused on, Chris' motivation for this journey and how this will be a reoccurring question through out the book.

HOMEWORK: Read & be ready to discuss the first half of Chapter4.

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: We took Quiz #2 based on Drucker chapters 6, 7, 8, & 9. After the quiz, we discussed Drucker chapters 10 & 11. We focused on the need for market research and the importance of focusing on satisfying your customers needs.

HOMEWORK: Read & be ready to discuss Drucker chapters 13 & 14. Your research topic proposal is due on Monday.

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We took Quiz #2 based on Drucker chapters 6, 7, 8, & 9. After the quiz, we discussed Drucker chapters 10 & 11. We focused on the need for market research and the importance of focusing on satisfying your customers needs.

HOMEWORK: Read & be ready to discuss Drucker chapters 13 & 14. Your research topic proposal is due on Monday.

TODAY: We took Quiz #2 based on Chapter 2. After the quiz we broke into smaller groups and examined an application exercise based on Chapter 2. We took a look at a position announcement for a Director of Grounds job. It was your job to fill in the job qualifications.

HOMEWORK: Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 3.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


We started class by dividing up into 5 groups for the group presentation. Your job now is to decide what country your group would like to present about. It will be on a first come, first serve basis. So, let me know ASAP what country your group wants. We then discussed Chapter 3. The 3 main topics we discussed were:
1) What are the benefits for studying leisure history?
2) What are some factors that have influenced the development of the recreation movement in the 20th century?
3) What are some factors that will influence the development of the recreation movement in the 21st century?

-Study for Quiz #2 (Into The Wild & Textbook Chapters 2, 3)
-Read & be ready to discuss Into The Wild: Author's Notes & Chapter 1

1) Into The Wild: Author's Notes & Chapter 1
2) Textbook Chapter 2
-Define "Leisure Class" "Leisure Ethic" "Limitless Materialism" (notes/textbook)
-Factors causing a decline in free time in the future (4 from notes)
-Factors causing an increase in free time in the future (4 from notes)
3) Textbook Chapter 3
-Factors that influenced the development of the recreation movement in the 20th century (we discussed 15 in the notes; be prepared to identify a couple of them)
-Factors that will influence the recreation movement in the 21st century (3 from notes)
-What was Judaism's major leisure "innovation?" (textbook)
-What is an "ambiguous free timer?" (textbook)

IC212 (10:00)
We started class by dividing up into 5 groups for the group presentation assignment. I will randomly assign each group chapters from The World is Flat. I will let you know within the next week what chapters each group will be covering. We then discussed Chapters 8 & 9 from Drucker. Chapter 8 focused on management/business structure. The Stonecutter's Story was used as a basis of this discussion. Give some thought to that story and what it may see it again in the not too distant future. Chapter 9's discussion focused on picking people as an executive decision. The main points that you should take away from Chapter 9 are:
-The 4 basic principles of making people decisions.
-The 5 decision steps when making people decisions.

-Study for Quiz #2 (Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 10 & 11.
-Research Topic Proposal is due on Monday.

1) Chapters 6 & 7
-4 business principles (they tell us what not to do, not what to do)
-The difference between Theory X & Theory Y
-Know this: One does not "manage" people; the task is to lead people.
-The implication of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for management
2) Chapters 8 & 9
-The Stonecutter's Story
-The 4 basic principles of making people decisions
-The Peter Principle
-The 5 decision steps when making people decisions
3) Chapters 10 & 11
-I'll let you off the hook. Nothing from these chapters will be on the quiz. But you better read them & be ready to discuss them. OR ELSE!!!

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We discussed Chapters 6 & 7 and 8 & 9 from Drucker. Chapters 6 & 7 focused on the 4 business principles that tell us what not to do, the difference between Theory X & Theory Y, and the implication of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for management. Chapter 8 focused on management/business structure. The Stonecutter's Story was used as a basis of this discussion. Give some thought to that story and what it may see it again in the not too distant future. Chapter 9's discussion focused on picking people as an executive decision. The main points that you should take away from Chapter 9 are:
-The 4 basic principles of making people decisions.
-The 5 decision steps when making people decisions.

-Study for Quiz #2 (Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 10 & 11.
-Think of who you want to work with on the group presentation assignment. We will divide up groups on Friday.
-Research Topic Proposal is due on Monday.

1) Chapters 6 & 7
-4 business principles (they tell us what not to do, not what to do)
-The difference between Theory X & Theory Y
-Know this: One does not "manage" people; the task is to lead people.
-The implication of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for management
2) Chapters 8 & 9
-The Stonecutter's Story
-The 4 basic principles of making people decisions
-The Peter Principle
-The 5 decision steps when making people decisions
3) Chapters 10 & 11
-I'll let you off the hook. Nothing from these chapters will be on the quiz. But you better read them & be ready to discuss them. OR ELSE!!!

We started class by dividing up into groups for the group presentation assignment. I will assign each group chapters form the textbook. This will be done within the next week. Our class discussion centered around the second half of Chapter 2. We discussed:
-Hiring process components
-In-service training
-Employee rewards system (intrinsic vs extrinsic)
-Termination by employee & organization
-Procedure for employee reporting inappropriate behavior

-Study for Quiz #2 (Chapter 2)

All answers can be found from class & WebCT notes.
-2 classifications of employees?
-4 special types of employees?
-3 categories of employees?
-What is the first step in the hiring process?
-What 3 things should a job description contain?
-What are the 4 elements of in-service training?
-Examples of extrinsic & intrinsic employee motivation?
-What is the first step in organizational procedure for employees reporting sexual harassment?

Monday, February 4, 2008


ALL CLASSES: Check out this interesting article.

TODAY: After the grogginess/sadness/frustration/anger from the game subsided we had a good discussion based on Chapter 2 in the textbook. We discussed how as a society we went from having a lot of lesire time in the 1800's to having a reduction of free time in the 1900's. We defined "Leisure Class" as a large proportion of retired adults & "Leisure Ethic" as a decline of work ethic. We finished class discussing the future trends in free time.

Factors causing a decline in free time:
1) Limitless Materialism
2) Increase of women in the workforce
3) Increase in demand for service jobs
4) An increasingly complex society

Factors causing an increase in free time:
1) Technology in the workforce
2) Technology in our everyday lives
3) Baby Boom Generation (more retired people & medical advancements causing people to live longer)
4) Education Levels (birth rates declining & waiting longer to start families)

-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 3 (textbook)
-Who do you want to work with for the group presentation assignment?
-Into The Wild reading (Author's Note & Chapter 1) for Friday

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: I will attribute the sluggish discussion we had today to Super Bowl hangover. I expect we will be back on track on Wednesday. We discussed Chapters 6 & 7 in Drucker. The main points we hit on were:
-Four business principles:
1) Organization has to be transparent.
2) One person in an organization should have only one master.
3) Authority must be commensurate with responsibility.
4) An organization should be as flat as possible.
-Classification of employees:
1) Theory X: Assumes employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work when possible. Employees show little ambition without incentives.
2) Theory Y: Assumes employees are ambitious, self-motivated, and are anxious to accept greater responsibility.
-One does not "manage" people. The task is to lead people. A manager is a leader.-Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as it applies to managment:
5) Physiological Needs: Provide lunch breaks, rest breaks, & sufficient wages.
4) Safety Needs: Provide a safe working environment, retirement benefits, & job security.
3) Social Needs: Create a sense of community via team-based projects & social events.
2) Esteem Needs: Recognize achievements to make employees feel appreciated & valued.
1) Self-Actualization: Provide employees a challenge & the opportunity to reach their full career potential.

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 8 & 9.
-Be ready to divide intogroups for the group presentation assignment.
-Research Topic Proposal due next Monday.

IC212 (2:00)
We took Quiz #1 from last week that was postponed due to weather. After the quiz we discussed Chapter 5 in Drucker. We had a group discussion based on the following questions:
-What are positive & negative impacts business can do to/for society?
-What does 21st century consumers expect from business?

-Be read to discuss Chapters 6 & 7 and 8 & 9. We will discuss 6 & 7 during the first part of class and 8 & 9 during the second half of class.
-On Friday we will divide into groups for the group presentation assignment in April. Think about who you want to work with.
-The Research Topic Proposal is due next Monday.

We took Quiz 1 from last week that was postponed due to weather. After the quiz we discussed the first half of Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on:
-Main components of Human Resource Management
-2 classifications of employees (Professional & Hourly)
-4 special types of employees (Part-time, Seasonal, Volunteers, Independent Contractors)
-3 types of employees (Engaged, Not-engaged, Actively Disengaged)

-Independent work for group wok on Wednesday:
Group 1: Why is in-service training important & what should be the elements of an effective program?
Group 2: Why is a rewards system essential to maintaining employee morale and what are examples of intrinsic & extrinsic rewards?
Group 3: What are the procedures for terminations by employee & procedures for termination by organization?
Group 4: What should be the procedure for an employee reporting inappropriate behavior (sexual harassment)?
-We will divide groups for the group presentation assignment in April (3 Groups of 4 & 2 Groups of 3)

Friday, February 1, 2008


ALL CLASSES: Check out this article about the various revenue streams from the Super Bowl.

TODAY: We took Quiz #1 based on Chapter 1 in the textbook. I will have that graded and returned to you on Monday. We also individually completed & discussed as a class Exercise 1.1 based on Neulinger's Paradigm.

-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 2 in the textbook.
-Take note of 2-3 commercials from the Super Bowl that you thought were effective from a consumer's perspective.
-Begin reading Into The Wild.
-I want to divide up groups (5 groups of 5-6 members) next Wednesday for the group presentation assignment in April. Give thought to who you would like to work with.

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: We took Quiz #1 based on Drucker Chapters 1-5. I will have it graded and returned to you on Monday. We then discussed Drucker Chapter 5 and had a group discussion based on these 3 questions:
1) What are some positive & negative impacts business can do to/for society?
2) What does 21st century customers expect from business?
3) What are examples of social change/problems past & present that led to business opportunity?

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 6 & 7.
-Take note of 2-3 Super Bowl commercials that you, as a consumer, thought were effective.
-Give thought to a research topic.
-Next Wednesday we will divide up groups (5 groups of 5-6 members) for the group presentation assignment. Give thought to who you want to work with.

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: Class canceled due to weather.

-We will take Quiz #1 on Monday.
-We will discuss Chapter 5 after the quiz.
-Read & be ready to discuss Chapters 6 & 7. We will begin to discuss these chapters and hopefully finish the discussion no later than the beginning of class next Wednesday.
-Give thought to a research topic.
-Next Wednesday we will divide up groups (5 groups of 5-6 members) for the group presentation assignment. Give thought to who you want to work with.

TODAY: Class canceled due to weather.

-We will take Quiz #1 on Monday.
-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 2.
-Take note of 2-3 Super Bowl commercials that you, as a consumer, thought were effective.
-We will divide up groups (3-4 members) on Wednesday for the group presentation assignment. Give thought to who you would like to work with.