Wednesday, January 28, 2009



On Friday we will continue with the Chapter 1 discussion. Quiz #1 that was scheduled for Friday will be on Monday instead. A study guide will be posted on the blog on Friday. Your homework that was due today will instead be due on Friday. Here it is:
-You are to take your list of sports moments that transcended the sports world & impacted society and divide them into 2 lists: 1) Sports moments/games that impacted society. 2) Athletes/Teams that impacted society.
-Be read to discuss: What is the difference between leisure & non-leisure? What is Neulinger's Paradigm? What is the Classical View of Leisure? What is the Antiutilitarian View of Leisure? What is the Social Instrument View of Leisure? What is Leisure as a Symbol of Social Class?
-Read Into The Wild: Epilogue & Chapter 1.
-Review the Into The Wild blog assignment directions on the syllabus & create your own blog. E-mail me your blog's url before Friday's class.
-Give some thought to who you want to work with for the group project. We will finalize groups next week.

1) Dress Code:
* Established by Keith Detjen. Can be discussed at another Monday meeting.
2) Complete the Agenda
* Topic time frame
* Discussion led by the different divisions
3) Meeting Minutes
* Record meeting notes
* Kelly --- Detjen --- Blog
4) Format
* Sit in divisions
* Outside meetings; V.P. in charge of setting the agenda
5) Accountability
* In class/ Outside of class
* First thing that needs to be addressed at the next Monday meeting (February 2, 2009).

On Friday we will begin our discussion of Chapter 1 in the textbook. The homework that was due today based on the first half of Chapter 1 will instead be due on Friday. In addition, here is your homework questions for the second half of Chapter 1 that is also due on Friday. Remember, all homework is to be typed & printed.
1) What is the difference between life expectancy & healthy life expectancy?
2) What are the leading causes of death in the U.S.?
3) What is the difference between physical activity & exercise?
4) What is wellness & what are the 7 dimensions of wellness?
5) What are the 3 categories of physical fitness?
6) What is the difference between health fitness & physical fitness?
7) What important point do the National Health Objectives for the year 2010 address?

On Friday we will continue with our discussion of Drucker Chapter 1. Quiz #1 that was scheduled for Friday will instead be on Monday. A study guide will be posted on the blog on Friday. Here is your homework that will be used in our discussion on Friday.
1) What is the Silent Revolution?
2) What are the 5 fronts that the Silent Revolution took place on, & how did each contribute to the silent revolution?
3) What are the 3 fastest growing consumer purchases?
4) What does the term "boundarylessness" mean?
5) What does it mean to say that in the 21st century businesses exist in a lego world?

If you did not give me your completed SBJ order form, you must do so on Friday.
We will continue with our Chapter 1 discussion on Friday. Here is the homework that is due on 1) Why is it important for a facility to have a written policies & procedure manual?
2) What questions should an effective policies & procedures manual answer?
3) What can sponsoring an event/facility do for the sponsor? What can a sponsor do for the facility/event?
-Read the following SBJ articles:
1) Zachy's will deliver bouguet of wine for Mets, Aramark (Page 14)
2) Getting In The Game For The Game (Starts on Page 4A in Super Bowl insert)
3) Record-size Security Staff Stands Guard (Page 21A in Super Bowl insert)Friday:

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