Monday, April 28, 2008


TODAY: We watched the documentary Murderball.

HOMEWORK: Answer the questions on the Murderball/Chapter 14 homework sheet.

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: We discussed Flatteners 5, 6, 7, 8.

HOMEWORK: We will discuss Flatteners 9 & 10.

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We discussed Flatteners 5, 6, 7, 8.

HOMEWORK: We will discuss Flatteners 9 & 10.

TODAY: We discussed the first half of Chapter 34. Our discussion focused on:
-The importance of maximizing revenue from spectator facilities & the impact of building facilities for entertainment not winning.

HOMEWORK: Be ready to discuss the second half of Chapter 34: Innovations in materials & methods of construction.

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