Friday, October 2, 2009


I'm not the only one that thinks your generation sucks. Check out thie youtube clip of comedian Louis CK.

-Starbucks instant coffee article.
-Why women have sex article.
-We finished our discussion of Drucker Chapter 4. We discussed: the advantages/disadvantages of group decision-making; the 4 rules to brainstorming; Drucker's collaboration questions; Myelin Repair Foundation; Dell; the 2 essentials of collaboration.

-No notecard.
-Quiz #2: Chapters 3 & 4 and Chapter 5 weekend homework.
-Read Chapter 5 thru page 183 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) How did Alcoa put Drucker's ideas about "putting people first" into practice?
2) What highly successful method of "finding the right people" has Whole Foods developed?

Chapter 3
1) What does the Pareto Principle state?
2) Why does Starbucks exemplify what Drucker considers to be true innovation?
3) Innovation is about what 4 things?
4) What is "systematic abandonment," and how did Kimberly-Clark & Peapod use it?
5) How does Google systematically seek opportunities?
6) Be able to explain each of the 7 key sources of opportunities & provide examples for each.

Chpater 4
1) Be able to explain the advantages/disadvantages of group-aided decision making from the PowerPoint.
2) Be able to explain the 4 rules to brainstorming.
3) How does Myelin Repair Foundation exemplify "collaboration?"
4) How is Dell a "pioneer of collaboration?"
5) What are the 2 essentials of collaboration?

-We finished our discussion of Chapter 3 by looking at Bearman v. University of Notre Dame, the history of the natural environment law, & the 2 sources of environment law.

-Chapter 4
1) Why must sport managers be aware of the different contexts in which assault & battery may occur in the recreation or sport setting? Give examples.
2) Explain the difference between criminal assault & civil assault and battery.
3) Define: reasonable, apprehension, & imminent as they apply to assault.
4) What are the elements of assault.
5) What is "battery?"
6) What are the elements of battery?

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