Thursday, December 2, 2010


-Chapter 15 Part B discussion questions due.
-SBJ discussion questions due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 15 & discussed the assigned SBJ articles.

-Answer the following Chapter 16 Discussion Questions:
1) What is the initial step in the process of securing any new facility?
2) What are the 3 different types of space used in recreational, intramural, & informal sports programs?
3) Summarize the 5 steps that should be followed in order to compare a campus with the accepted standards.
4) Explain the 5 steps in a proposal for requesting new facilities.

-Read the following November 29 - December 5 SBJ articles & answer the Discussion Questions:
A) "UFL positions itself for possible NFL stoppage." Page 5
1) What season will this upcoming season be for the UFL?
2) Why is the league starting its season early & moving its games from Thursday to Sundays?
3) Who is Michael Huyghue?
4) What is a "transfer fee?"
5) How many teams are currently in the UFL?

B) "Threat of lockouts rattle licenses just as retail bounces back." Page 1
1) What do most sports fans opt to buy even if they can't afford tickets?
2) The NBA & what MLB team is doing well in retail sales?
3) What is the big new product offering from Majestic?
4) Pangea Brands sells a toaster and waffle iron/sandwich maker that do what?
5) How many Americans bike an average of 50 days annually?

-No new discussion questions due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 13.
-I handed out the take home portion of Exam #4. This is due in class next Tuesday. No excuses!

-Take home portion of Exam #4.
-In class portion of Exam #4 (Murderball. Into The Wild: 16, 17, 18, Epilogue. Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14A) will be next Tuesday.

Chapter 10
-What 3 social trends did we discuss are contributing to shutting people off from interacting with one another?
-How did we define "socialization?"
-What 3 skills are necessary for participating within society?
-Explain the 3 types of friendships.

Chapter 11
-Be able to identify the 7 different types of gamblers.

Chapter 12
-How did we define "ethics?"
-Be able to explain the 3 ethical theories that we discussed.
-What are the 2 main categories of obstacles to leisure fulfillment?

Chapter 13
-Explain the different stages of leisure in childhood

Chapter 14A
-How did we define "forced leisure?"
-How did we define "therapeutic recreation?"

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