Wednesday, January 30, 2013


-Today was the last day to hand in the SBJ order forms.
-There were no new discussion questions due.
-You took Quiz 1.
-We continued discussing Chapter 1 but taking a look at some new professional sports facilities that have been built in the last several years.

-Steven Arteaga will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read the article "Super Bowl 2013 spurs business bustle in New Orleans, but economists differ on the net gain" and answer the following discussion questions:
1) What company owns the naming rights to the stadium that the Super Bowl is being played?
2) The Super Bowl has resulted in a spending boost of how much money for the following host cities:
A) Atlanta (2000)
B) San Diego (2003)
C) Detroit (2006)
D) Miami (2007)
E) Arizona (2008)
F) Indianapolis (2012)
3) When was the last time New Orleans hosted a Super Bowl and how much money did it generate?
4) The New Orleans host committee predicts that this year's Super Bowl will result in a boost of how much money for the city?
5) Economist Victor Matheson at College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts, who has studied decades of Super Bowls, believes that the findings in many impact studies are not correct and that the benefit is closer to what?
6) What is the "substitution effect?"
7) What is the "crowding out effect?"
8) What are "leakages?"
9) The NFL has used the allure of hosting Super Bowls to entice cities to build what?
10) Private and public entities have carried out extensive upgrades & renovations to infrastructure and amenities around town, totaling an estimated how much?

-Drucker Chapter 1 discussion questions 1-5 were due.
-We began a discussion of Drucker Chapter 1 by discussing what are successful business attributes.

-Evan Bannister will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Answer the following Drucker Chapter 1 discussion questions:
6) What are the 3 fastest-growing consumer purchases today?
7) Home Depot passed all its logistics issues off to what company?
8) What innovative group in northern California is trying to find a cure for multiple sclerosis?
9) In Druker's opinion, how did the Americans win the Gulf War in 1991? In his opinion, how will the war on terrorism be won?
10) What does the author mean when she states, "in the 21st century, businesses exist in a Lego world?"

-The beer discussion questions assigned on Monday were due today.
-We began a discussion about the history of beer. We primarily looked at the history of beer in Europe.

-Ryan Benvie will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read these articles and answer the corresponding discussion questions:
A) Dear, economy: This Bud's for you.
1) Approximately how many jobs does the beer industry provide?
2) How much money does the beer industry contribute to the economy each year?
B) Craft Beer Industry Accelerating Sales Growth
1) Who are the "Big 3" companies in the American beer industry?
2) What % does craft brewing represent in the overall US beer market?
C) How the Three-Tiered Beer Distribution System Works
1) Before prohibition, who held ownership stakes in the bars?
2) Who did the 21st Amendment give complete control over alcohol regulation to?
3) What are the 3 tiers of the beer distribution system?
4) Why are small breweries at a disadvantage compared to the large breweries with distributors?
-For Monday, watch the documentary "How Beer Saved The World" and answer the following discussion questions:
1) About how long have human beings like us been around?
2) What happened in 9000BC that changed the world forever?
3) The agricultural revolution was started by what?
4) Experts originally thought that barley was harvested to make what?
5) How did primitive people 10,000 years ago accidentally stumble across beer?
6) Experts believe that it was what about beer that changed the world forever?
7) What was the reason for inventing writing?
8) One of the most important word lists (dictionary) has over how many words related to beer?
9) How many jugs of beer did the most powerful Egyptian God Ra ask for in the afterlife?
10) What was the going rate of an Egyptian pyramid builder per day?
11) By the 16th century people drank how many liters of beer per year?
12) Who were the master brewers in medieval Europe?
13) What group of people took over brewing and in the process transformed Europe?
14) What was Ben Franklin's quote about beer?
15) How did beer save the travelers on the Mayflower & determine where they landed?
16) Without barley or hops what did the settlers make their beer with to keep the Plymouth settlement alive?
17) The struggle for freedom from the British began in what tavern?
18) What new type of beer took America by storm in the 19th century?
19) When was the first commercial fridge invented?
20) What did the machine that changed the world make?

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