Wednesday, March 4, 2009


-We discussed Chapter 7.

-Quiz #5: Textbook Chapter 7 & Into The Wild Chapters 10 & 11

-From our class discussion, what 4 ways can fitness be affected by leisure?
-From our class discussion, what 4 ways can fitness have an impact on leisure?
-What is the "fitness illusion?"
-Be able to identify & explain the components of health related physical fitness.
-The book discusses 6 physiological benefits of exercise. Be able to identify at least 2 of them.
- According to a 2001 study, what sport is the riskiest in terms of incidence of severe injuries per 1,000 participants?
-What is the most widely used formula for calculating your maximum heart rate?
-According to research, what kind of alcohol reduces heart disease?
-How many pounds overweight does a person need to be to be considered obese?

-Those of you who adhered to the dress code had a great meeting regarding the event. We decided that the best type of event would be a "fitness challenge" with cardiovascular & strength events.

Chapter 6 discussion questions:
1) Explain what cardiorespiratory endurance is.
2) What is the difference between aerobic & anaerobic exercise?
3) What are the benefits of aerobic training?

-I gave back Article Summary #1 & had a dicussion about what I expect to see when you submit Article Summary #2 & #3.

Group 1: What is a corporation?
Group 2: How did the corporation become so powerful (history & evolution)?
Group 3: Explain how a corporation is a "person."
Group 4: What is corporate social responsibility?
Group 5: What is "new capitalism" & its effect on corporate social responsibility.

-We discussed Chapter 6.

-Quiz #3: Chapters 5 & 6
-Read SBJ article: "Amateur's death brings..." on page 13 of the 1/26-2/1 edition.

Chapter 5
-Be able to identify & explain the common approaches to programming.
-Be able to identify & explain the 5 main categories of planners.
-What are the 5 distinct/different scheduling patterns?
Chapter 6
-What 2 questions should managers answer when defining accountability for the organization?
-Explain the internal control components.
-Define: Cash Flow, Operating Cash Flow, Cash Flow Budget.
-What are the 5 steps commonly used in the budget process?
-What are the primary sources of revenue generation?

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