Wednesday, September 22, 2010


-Exam #1.

-Have Drucker Chapter 3 read & the following Discussion Questions answered:
1) Why does Starbucks exemplify what Drucker considered to be true innovation?
2) What are Drucker's 4 basic questions about innovation?
3) Pick a company that you think is innovative (other than Apple). Why do you consider the company innovative? What are the company's strengths?
4) What is systematic abandonment?
5) What are Drucker's 7 key sources of opportunities?

-No homework was due.
-We finished our discussion of the articles.

-We will start class on Friday with a couple personal PowerPoint presentations.
-After the presentations, our round table discussion will be based on the following question: "What is your dream job & why?"
-For Monday, answer the following textbook Chapter 4 Discussion Questions:
1) What is socialization, & how do sports contribute to socialization?
2) Sport participation is related to what 3 factors?
3) Becoming an athlete in a particular sport culture occurs through a 4-phase process. What are the phases?
4) Why do young athletes experience burnout?
5) What are the 2 practical factors associated with why people get out of sports?
6) Do sports build character? Explain.
7) Do sports improve health & physical well-being? Explain.
8) What is one way that sports can positively affect our lives? Explain.
9) What is one way that sports can negatively affect our lives? Explain.

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