Wednesday, September 29, 2010


-Drucker Chapter 4 discussion questions due.
-Opportunity Quiz #2.
-We almost finished our discussion of Chapter 3. We discussed systematic abandonment & how Myelin Repair Foundation & Peapod exemplify this, and began discussing the 7 key sources of opportunity. We will finish these at the beginning of class next Monday & then discuss Chapter 4.

-No class on Friday.
-The following Chapter 5 Discussion Questions are due next Wednesday:
1) What 3 questions should everyone in an organization be able to answer "yes" to?
2) How did Alcoa put Drucker's ideas about putting people first into practice?
3) In your opinion, what is the difference between efficiency & effectiveness?
4) In your opinion, what are the most effective ways for a manager to motivate his/her employees?

-I handed out an assignment guideline sheet for your first Reaction Paper. I then discussed what I expect to see in not just this paper, but any graded assignment. I hope you were paying attention and will apply what I talked about today to your papers.

-No class on Friday.
-Reaction Paper #1 due next Monday 10/4.
-We will start our next Sports & Society unit, Education & Sports, next Monday. There is no additional homework to do for this first discussion.

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