Thursday, September 27, 2007


Today: We took Quiz #2 and Kevin stumped me with a Shawshank Redemption trivia question. It's all Seinfeld from now on. After the quiz we discussed the rest of Chapter 4 from the textbook and Chapters 3 & 4 from Into The Wild. Our textbook discussion focused on the 6 career fields in the leisure services industry.
1) Commercial & Private Enterprise Recreation
2) Community Recreation
3) Outdoor Recreation
4) Military Recreation
5) Industrial Recreation
6) Therapeutic Recreation

As for our Into The Wild discussion, we focused on:
1) The significance of the Tolstoy passage, “I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement & danger & the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I felt in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life.”
2) The significance of Chris abandoning his car.
3) The significance of Chris burning his money.
4) What Wayne Westerberg meant to Chris

Homework: Read & be ready to discuss the first half of textbook Chapter 5. Also, your first blog post and an email to me telling me the url is due prior to Tuesday's class. Failure to do both before class will result in "no credit."

Today: We took Quiz #3 and Luke stumped me again with a Seinfeld trivia question. I think the roles will reverse next week and I will ask Luke a question. After the quiz We we debriefed the simulated survival game. Kudos to Luke, Jay, Jeff & Russell for winning. We also discussed the main points to Chapter 3.
1) The 4 rules to Brainstorming
2) Needs Assessment Survey (What is it? What information doe it cover? What are the components?)
3) The 5 step process for implementing a survey as a needs assessment tool

Homework: Read & be ready to discuss the first half of Chapter 4.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Today: Part 2 of our civic engagement project brainstorming session. Another good session. We got a lot accomplished over the past 2 classes. It's now your project to start to run with, and Dan & I will be there for guidance and direction. Don't forget to fill out your weekly journal sheets for the individual work you do with the project.

Homework: We will have a civic engagement discussion on Friday. For this discussion please answer the following:
-How would you define "civic engagement?"
-What responsibility, if any, do you feel the individual has with the community? Why?
-3 Cups of Tea Question 8

Parents Day: I will be unable to attend. Please send my apologies to your parents. For general questions, you can direct your parents to Molly Haas (IC101 Coordinator). She will be located in Edgewood 001-A from 12:30 to 2. You can also have your parents call or email me with more specific questions if they have them.

Today: We got away from traditional PowerPoint/Chalkboard discussions this week on the book material and incorporated individual & group exercises. For today, we had a battle of the sexes to see who could survive a plane crash in Northern Canada in the middle of the winter. I found out that I would be much better off having Alexandra tell me what to do than Matt. Please turn in your Eagle Scout badge.

Homework: Quiz #3 (Drucker 18, 19, 23, 25) is up on Friday. Check the notes on WebCT & the study guide below. Also, your research paper proposal is due on Friday.

Study Guide
-4 Fundamentals of Communication (Check PP Notes)
-Define "downward" & "upward" communication (Check PP Notes)
-7 skills needed for teamwork (Check PP Notes)
-Leadership is what 3 things? (Check PP Notes)
-6 characteristics of an effective leader (Check PP Notes)
-What is a "knowledge worker?" (Chapter 23)
-What does Drucker say the essence of management is? (Chapter 23)
-The first 2 sectors of business are the private & public sector. What is the "third sector?" (Chapter 25)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Today: Much better discussion today. Keep it going. We started discussing Chapter 4 from the textbook. You individually assessed your own personal leisure & non-leisure time as well as the activities that you do that fall into each category. When we discussed this activity as a group we learned that much of your leisure time is taken up with: naps, tv/computer, & socializing. We also learned that the main activities that take up your non-leisure time are: sleeping, school, & sports. We then turned our conversation to the main points that were addressed in the chapter. The 3 that we discussed were: leisure activities among college students, a decline in female participation in leisure activities, & the increase in the leisure industry.

Homework: Quiz #2 will take place on Thursday. It will be based on textbook Chapter 4 & Into The Wild Chapters 3 & 4. Remember to take a look at the study guide below, the class notes on WebCT, & to bring a Seinfeld trivia question. Don't forget that your first post for the Into The Wild Blog Assignment is due on October 2. Prior to class that day you need to have completed the assignment & emailed me your blog url. The set up of the blog should be from Chris McCandless' perspective (the main character), not from your own.

Quiz #2 Study Guide
-Into The Wild Chapters 3 & 4
-Recreational Participation Patterns: What activity is the most prevalent use of free time in the US?
-Leisure Participation Patterns of Women: What are the 3 factors that restrict the freedom of women with respect to leisure?
-Leisure In The US Economy: Annual spending on recreation in the US is between what and what?
-The Leisure Services Field: Careers in leisure services exist in what fields (6)? What are the 5 categories within the area of commercial recreation?
-According to a 2001 Durex Survey (PowerPoint Notes) what % of Americans claim to have sex daily?

Today: To go along with the beginning of Chapter 3 which discusses "Brainstorming" we did a group Survival Test exercise. The simulation was that your groups just survived a small plane crash in mid-January in Northern Canada. As survivors you have 2 main tasks: stay warm & attract attention. You managed to salvage 12 items and need to rank them in order of survival importance. I will announce he winning group on Thursday.

Homework: Quiz #3 based on Chapter 3 will be on Thursday. Check the study guide below as well as the class notes on WebCT.

Quiz #3 Outline
What are the 4 rules to Brainstorming?
What are the 8 categories of needs assessment information?
What are the 5 steps in the survey process?
What are the components of a needs assessment report?
What are the steps in the planning process?
What is the difference between standing plans & single-use plans?
What are the 2 essential characteristics of an objective?
What does SWOT stand for?
What is "perfectionism?"

Monday, September 24, 2007


Today: We discussed the Civic Engagement Project portion of the semester. We decided that we will do a group project that will be a movie with the theme of what it is like to be a freshman at FPU. Hopefully this video can be used as an educational tool at future freshman orientations. We decided that the plot will be close friends who have just returned to FPU from Summer vacation and are entering their Senior year. They start to reminisce and tell stories about what it was like to first arrive at FPU as freshmen. We decided that the scenes will address issues that you all went through and are still going through.
Roommate issues
Meeting new people
Being homesick
Homework: Take a look at the issues list that we came up with in class and write down how you relate to them as college freshman. What are you personal stories surrounding these issues? You are to also complete Question #8 from the Three Cups of Tea question list.

Today: Drucker Chapters 18 & 19 focus on communication & leadership. We addressed this by taking a personal values assessment of ourselves. From a list, we chose the top 10 values that are important to each of us. We slowly narrowed the list down to the top 1 value. We then talked about why that value is important, why there wasn't much overlap in the class, and what we value in other people. Take a look at the PowerPoint notes on WebCt regarding these chapters.

Homework: Read Drucker Chapters 23 & 25. We will be doing a group activity on Wednesday based on our discussion today and the topics Drucker addresses in the chapters. The research proposal is due on Friday. Email me or come see me if you are having trouble narrowing down a topic.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Today: We viewed 2 video clips about setting goals and the obstacles that may get in the way of achieving them. The first was a clip about Rex Pemberton's expedition to the top of Mt. Everest and the second clip was about the "Everest Boys" and their journey to become the first humans to go from Pole to Pole using only manpower. We then discussed as a group the obstacles you may encounter while trying to achieve your 6 goal & how you can avoid/combat them.
Rex Pemberton
Everest Boys
Pole to Pole

Homework: Be ready to discuss potential civic engagement project ideas on Monday. Our Civic Engagement discussion on Wednesday & Friday will surround Unit 5 in the Common Reader & Question 8 from Three Cups of Tea. Have a great weekend!

Today: We took Quiz #2. Kevin stumped me with his Seinfeld trivia question although I am protesting. I just looked it up and the deal is that the character of Kramer is based on a neighbor of the show's co-creator Larry David named Kenny Kramer. For fear that naming the character after him may cause a lawsuit, Larry David & Jerry Seinfeld were going to name the character Kessler. Before production of the show started they decided to go with the name of Kramer so the name Kessler was never used in the actual show. We also had a group brainstorming session about research topics. I was pleased with all the ideas we discussed today. If you are still having trouble, please come see me.

Homework: Work on a research topic. The proposal is due next Friday. For Monday, read and be ready to discuss Drucker 18 & 19. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Today: I was not impressed with our discussion today. It was evident that the majority of you were not prepared to discuss the textbook material or the Into The Wild chapters. There were also a lot of side conversations going on during our small group discussion and our class discussion. This cannot continue, and if it does will only make the semester more laborious for you. It is my expectation that from now on you read the material prior to coming to class and then be ready to actively engage in a discussion in class.
We took Quiz #1 based on our previous class' discussion. Our discussion today focused on 3 main parts from Chapter 3:
A) What are the benefits from studying leisure history?
B) What are some factors that have influenced the development of the recreation movement in the 20th century?
C) What are some factors that will influence the development of the recreation movement in the 21st century?

Homework: Read and be ready to discuss Chapter 4. In addition, you are to write up a 1 page summary of the chapter and also a list of 5 main points that the chapter addresses. This is to be typed and turned in on Tuesday, & will count as a quiz grade. We will also divide into groups for the group presentation. Your groups should be made up of 5 people.

Today: Really good discussion today. Nice job. We took Quiz 2 and we finished discussing Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on 5 main points:
A) Job Description for FPU Director of Intramurals
B) Why is in-service training important and what should be the elements of an effective program?
C) Why is a rewards system essential to maintaining employee morale, & what are examples of intrinsic & extrinsic rewards?
D) What are the procedures for terminations by the employee & by the organization?
E) What should the procedures be for an employee reporting inappropriate behavior (sexual harassment)?

Homework: Read and be ready to discuss Chapter 3.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Today: We FINALLY finished up our introduction presentations. Nice job to everyone; I was impressed. Also nice job to those of you who were able to stump us with the 5 statements. No thanks to Sleepy for always leading me in the wrong direction.

Homework: Be ready to discuss the following:
A) One goal you set for yourself and you were able to achieve, & one goal you set and you were not able to achieve.
B) One obstacle for each of your 6 goals that we discussed on Monday.

Today: We learned that it is not fun to get assaulted with a taser gun. We also discussed Chapter 11 and focused our discussion on 2 ares: 1) Market Focus & 2) Top Management. We talked about how "market" is a business term for customers, and that in order to be effective a business needs to listen to its customers, deliver to them what they want, and be willing to adapt & change. We talked about how the computer, Xerox photocopier and Air Jordan sneakers are all examples of products that were successful in new markets that they were not originally intended for. We also discussed Top Management and the group decided that the need for an effective Top Management is critical to the success of a business. Drucker states that:
-A top management team must be built before a company actually needs one
-Forming a top management team is a long process that can't be done overnight
-Top management must focus on 2 key activities:
1) Management of people
2) Management of money

Homework: Quiz #2 based on Chapters 9, 10, 11, 15 will take place. See the study guide below. Also, please bring in 1, 2, 3 or as many ideas as you have for your research topic. I want to use the time in class to get everyone focused on a research topic.

Quiz Study Guide
-What is the Peter Principle? (9)
-What are the 4 basic principles when making people decisions? (9)
-What are the 5 decision steps when making effective promotion & staffing decisions? (9)
-What are the 3 "Don'ts" that entrepreneurial management of an existing business should not do? (10)
-What are the 2 key activities present in in all organizations (11)
-Businesses must realize that its product/service is defined by who? (11)
-As an individual in a business the first thing to know about how you perform is to determine if you are what? (15)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Today: We discussed Chapter 2 of the textbook which focuses on leisure education. Our small group discussions focused on 2 issues: a) Will leisure time grow or decline in the future, & what factors contribute to the growth or decline of leisure time in our society. b) Exercise 2.1: Ideal Material Wants vs Minimized Material Needs. We then, as a group, came up with reasons for why leisure time will either increase or decrease. Here are the main points to consider.
Factors Causing A Decline In Leisure Time
1) Limitless Materialism
2) Increase of women in the workforce
3) Increase in demand for service jobs
4) An increasingly complex society

Factors Causing An Increase In Leisure Time
1) Technology in the workplace and at home
2) Baby Boom generation retiring
3) Education

Homework: Read and be ready to discuss Chapter 3 from the textbook and Chapters 1 & 2 from Into The Wild. Quiz 1 will be on Thursday. Don't forget to come up with a Seinfeld trivia question for extra credit. See the study guide below.

-Read the 9/11 & sports article that goes with the documentary 9 Innings From Ground Zero
-Read Into The Wild Chapters 1 & 2
-Define "Leisure Time"
-Neulinger's Paradigm of Leisure
-Views of Leisure (Classical View, Antiutilitarian View, Social Instrument View, Leisure as a Symbol of Social Class)
-Define "Limitless Materialism"
-Factors causing an increase in lesisure time (textbook)
-Factors causing a decrease in leisure time (textbook)

Today: We divided into smaller groups and discussed the job qualifications for the Assistant Director of Recreation Sports at Seattle University. This exercise led us into a group discussion about Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on the following:
-Main components of Human Resource Management (HRM)
-Types of employees (2 Classifications & 4 Special Types)
-Three categories/characteristics of all employees
-Components of a Job Description (3)
-Components of a Position Announcement (7)

Homework: Develop a Job Description for the Director of Intramural Sports @ FPU. Divide groups for group presentation (3 groups of 4 & 1 group of 5). Read and be ready to discuss the second half of Chapter 2. Quiz 2 will be on Thursday. Don't forget to come up with a Seinfeld trivia question for extra credit. See the study guide below.

-Main components of Human Resource Management (HRM)
-Types of employees (2 Classifications & 4 Special Types)
-Three categories/characteristics of all employees
-Components of a Job Description (3)
-Components of a Position Announcement (7)
-Staff Development Program for In-Service Training (4 elements)
-Reward System: Examples of common extrinsic rewards
-What does EEOC stand for
-What procedure should organization's outline for employees to take if they were sexually harassed (5 components)

Monday, September 17, 2007


Today: We discussed goals. You all have set really good goals for yourselves. Now comes the hard part, making sure you accomplish them. We focused on goals to accomplish for Freshman year (short-term) and goals to accomplish for graduation (long-term). We talked about why they are important and the steps to take to ensure we accomplish them. You submitted your Goals/Expectations Essay today. I look forward to reading them. I will make comments, grade them, & have them back to you no later than next Monday.

Homework: We will finish out introduction presentations on Wednesday. I have some youtube clips I want to show you after the presentations that build off of our goals discussion today and will build on our discussion for Friday. I want you to think about the 6 goals you have for yourself and give some thought to potential obstacles you might encounter while working towards accomplishing these goals. In addition, keep giving thought to the civic engagement project. Do we want to do a group project? Several smaller group projects? Individual projects? The Fair on Wednesday will have good ideas if you are stuck. We will start discussing 3 Cups of Tea next week. Make sure you refresh yourself on the book.

Today: Quality discussion today. Nice job. We talked bout how all "bad" neighborhoods have streets named after trees. Stay away from them. We also discussed Chapters 9 & 10. Our discussion focused on 3 main areas: a) Generic qualities managers look for when hiring employees, b) The 4 basic principles in making people decisions and why each is important, & c) the 5 steps in making important staffing decisions and why each is important. Revisit the Peter Principle (people rise to their level of incompetence), you might see it again (wink, wink) .

Homework: Read & be ready to discuss Chapters 11 & 15. For Friday, bring in at least 1 idea for the semester research project. My goal for Friday is to have everyone know the direction they will be taking with this project. You will be able to accomplish a lot on Friday so make sure you take advantage. Anytime you can use class time to get out of class work done is a good thing.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Today: We continued with our introduction presentations. Great job to everyone who went today. We also started an initial conversation about the civic engagement project, and talked about the potential of doing a group project where we would create a video based on what it's like being a 1st semester freshman at FPU. Give it some thought.

Homework: You Goals/Expectation Essay is due on Monday. Have fun with this, be creative, and give it a lot of thought. Don't restrict your writing to the parameters of page length. I really want to read about your goals, why they are important, and how you plan to achieve them. I will be looking for time & effort put into this assignment. In addition, for discussion on Monday please bring a list of 6 college goals. 3 goals you hope to accomplish this year, and 3 goal you hope to accomplish by graduation. Enjoy the weekend!

Today: We took Quiz #1 and you stumped me on the Seinfeld trivia extra credit question. Nice job Hope. Damn the Bubble Boy. We also discussed why you cannot manage all employees the same. We discussed how Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs applies to management techniques, and how a managers job is not to "manage" people but to lead them.

Homework: Read & be ready to discuss Chapters 9 & 10 from Drucker. Just for Jen, I will work sports into our conversation. We will also divide the groups up for the group presentation next week. We will have 4 groups with 4 members in each group, so continue to give some thought to how you would like to pick the groups. Also, don't forget that your research paper proposal is due in 2 weeks. You should be narrowing down topic choices by now. Come see me so we can discuss your ideas. I want to be able to approve everyone's topic on 9/28. Enjoy the weekend, and if you don't have any plans and find that you are bored go bike 100 miles.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Today: Overall, solid discussion today. Keep it up and we will have a fun semester. We discussed how sports are used in our culture as a way to escape. We talked about how as players (participants) and as fans (spectators) we use sports to escape small & large hardships that life brings us. This conversation stemmed from our viewing of the documentary 9 Innings From Ground Zero about how NY was able to escape the tragedy at Ground Zero through the Yankees playoff run. We also discussed Chapter 1. Main points from the chapter that we discussed and that you should revisit are:
1) The concept of leisure as free time.
2) Neulinger's Paradigm of Leisure: 2 Categories...1) Leisure & 2) Nonleisure
3) Views of Leisure: Focus on these 4
a) Classical View of Leisure
b) Antiutilitarian View of Leisure
c) Social Instrument View of Leisure
d) Leisure as a Symbol of Social Class

Homework: Read and be ready to discuss Chapter 2. Email me if you want to be on the Sport Management major email distribution list. Buy and begin reading Into The Wild. Quiz #1 next Thursday will be based on our discussions this week, next week, and Chapters 1 & 2 of Into The Wild. I will post a study outline on my Tuesday post next week.

Today: We took Quiz #1 this morning. We finished discussing the second half of Chapter 1. Our discussion focused on Policies & Procedures Manual and Sponsorship. We discussed why these manuals are important, what effective manuals should contain, and the process for establishing one. We also discussed the benefits from sponsorship to facility/event management, and vice versa.

Homework: Read the first half of Chapter 2 and be ready to discuss.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Today: Great job to those of you who presented. So far, Kevin is the only one to have stumped us on the 5 statements about yourself. Thanks a lot Sleepy. Those of you who did not get the opportunity to present today will go on Friday. Justin will bring his computer (Thanks!) since mine is not compatible with some of your PowerPoint programs.

Homework: We will finish the personal presentations on Friday. Your first graded assignment is due on Monday 9/17. This is the Goals/Expectations Essay. Please follow the assignment guidelines on the syllabus. If you have any questions about the essay don't hesitate to ask. Continue communicating with Dan about your thoughts/ideas for the Civic Engagement Project. We will be talking about that in 2 weeks. Also give some thoughts to what we can do as a group for fun. So far we have discussed bowling and going to Chunkys.

Today: I thought our discussion today went well. We are headed for a great/fun semester if you continue to be vocal and actively participate. Hopefully today showed you how I will be handling the semester. It will not be a traditional lecture style class based on a textbook. I will lead/facilitate you as a group in discussions based on the readings. Sometimes, like today, we will indirectly discuss the readings. For example, Drucker discusses his opinions about the purpose and objectives of a business are and we discussed ours based on his. Sometimes we will directly discuss the material through PowerPoint or other notes. The main thing for you to keep in mind is to stay current on the reading; think about what the main point(s) are that are being made; think about if you agree/disagree with points. For our discussion today we discussed how from a short term perspective a company's main objective should be focusing on the customer. Remember, about 10% of your customer base is comprised of brand loyal customers. The other 90% is vital for profit. From a long term perspective a company's objective should be profitability. We also discussed that the purpose of a company is in the eye of the beholder. Looking from the outside in, the purpose should be creating a customer. Looking from the inside out, the purpose should be sustainability.

-Read and be ready to discuss Chapters 6 & 7 from Drucker.
-Quiz #1 based on our Monday & Wednesday discussions and Friday's reading. Some main points you should focus on:
1) What does it mean to classify management as a "Liberal Art?" (Chapter 1)
2) When talking about the essential principles of management Drucker states that the single most important thing to remember about any enterprise is that results exist only on the outside and the result of a business is what? (Chapter 1)
3) What are the 3 tasks that management has to perform? (Chapter 2)
4) According to Drucker, what is the purpose of a business? (Chapter 2)
5) Drucker states that all businesses should have 5 main objectives. What are the 6 key areas that these objectives should be set in? He talks about 8 key areas, but I am lumping HR, Financial, and Physical into 1 area called Resources. (Chapter 3)
6) There is one right way to manage people. True/False Why? (Chapter 6)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Today: We viewed the documentary, Nine Innings From Ground Zero. Hopefully it made you remember & reflect back to the tragedy we all witnessed and went through, and where we are as a nation 6 years later, for better or for worse.

Homework: From the video as well as your personal experiences be prepared to discuss how sports helped us escape from the heart-wrenching events of 9/11/01. Also be prepared to discuss how sports help us as individuals escape from our own individual life struggles. The second half of class on Thursday will be spent discussing Chapter 1 of the textbook. When reading focus on the following:
-What is leisure?
-Neulinger's Paradigm of Leisure
-Views of Leisure
-Characteristics of Recreation

Today: We had a good discussion about how the facility/event management landscape has changed post 9/11. We talked about how as facility managers and fans we need to be aware of the different issues we now face. We also discussed the first half of Chapter 1 which focused on leadership. These discussion notes are posted on WebCT. Don't forget we will be in Lakeside for class starting Thursday.

Homework: Be prepared to discuss the second half of Chapter 1. We will have Quiz 1 based on today's discussion and the reading for the second half of Chapter 1. Please focus on:
-3 qualities a leader must possess to get people to follow him/her
-8 key leadership qualities
-Functional Leadership Model
-The Managerial Grid Model
-Contents of a Policies & Procedures Manual
-Steps for developing a Policies & Procedures Manual
-Event Planning & Sponsorship

Monday, September 10, 2007


Today: Nice job with our show & tell discussion. It was fun & interesting listening to all of your stories about your items. We need to work on being more vocal in class. I want you all to lead the discussions instead of me initiating the talks. Don't be afraid to chime in & speak up, once you do others will follow your lead.
Homework: Introduction Presentations will start on Wednesday. Even though you all will not present on Wednesday because of time, everyone should come to class prepared. If you email me your powerpoint I will have it on my computer desktop which will save us time in class. Below are some dates of upcoming events.
9/11: Add/Drop ends
9/11: Dr. Louise Pascale will be talking about her experiences in Afghanistan and her subsequent project to protect Afghan children's songs from 10:50-12:05 in Pierce Hall.
9/17: College Goals/Expectations Essay Due
9/19: Community Service Fair from 11:00-1:30. It will be outside if the weather permits, or in Pierce Hall.

Today: Good discussion on what makes a company great. I thought the points you addressed: customer service, employee satisfaction, brand loyalty, & profitability are all good points. We also discussed Chapters 1 & 2 from Drucker. The main points from these chapters to keep in mind are: 1) The evolution of management, 2) What does it mean to classify management as a "Liberal Art," 3) What is management, & 4) What is management's 3 main tasks.
Homework: Read Drucker Chapters 3 & 4 and be ready to discuss. Also, give thought to how you want to divide groups up for the group presentations project and also what you want to research this semester.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Today: We tied up some loose ends that we did not get a chance to do last class. If you need another school planner you should be able to get one at Academic Services or the bookstore. If you did not return your syllabus receipt, you need to do so on Monday. Add/Drop period ends Tuesday 9/11. If you need to add/drop a course please do so before then. Hopefully my Introduction Presentation showed you what I will be looking for next week. Let me know if you have questions. I hope to see you all on the Monadnock Climb tomorrow. Buses leave at 11:00am from Peterson Hall.
1) Finish biggest fear/concern about college discussion on Monday.
2) Bring show & tell item on Monday.
3) Introduction Presentations start Wednesday.
4) Goals/Expectations Essay is due Monday 9/17.
5) Think about and talk with Dan suggestions for Civic Engagement Project.

Today: Sorry you had to listen to me rant & rave, but get use to it because you will have to listen to me do it a lot throughout the semester. Hopefully I cleared up any questions about your semester projects/papers, and about myself & NJ. Just remember that shoes are good just not Reeboks, and there is no such thing as "what exit." First days are always hectic and I alway feel like I move too fast through the syllabus so that is why I spent some more time today on it. We started to have a good conversation about companies/ceo's that you think are "great." We will continue this discussion on Monday. I hope to see you on the Monadnock Climb tomorrow.
1) Read Drucker Chapters 1 & 2 for Monday.
2) For discussion on Monday think about the following: "What defines a great company?"
3) Think about what topic you would like to research this semester.
4) Think about how we should divide up groups for the group presentation.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Today: Today was a basic introduction class. We discussed the syllabus, course/semester format, & semester project/papers. You should have received a copy of the Syllabus, Project/Paper Outlines (Industry Interview, Semester Project, Group Presentation, Blog Project), and 9/11 article. I know we covered a lot today, so over the next several classes I will take time to go over each of these assignments (especially the blog) in more detail. It was good to meet all of you and I look forward to a great semester.
Homework: You have several assignments due for Tuesday.
1) You should all be ashamed that you did not know who Luciano Pavarotti was so read this. A little culture won't hurt you.
2) You came up with orange, silver, and purple as words that don't have other words that rhyme with them. There is still 1 more. What is it?
3) Read the 9/11 article for Tuesday and be ready to discuss how sports helped America deal with 9/11.
4) Read Chapter 1 in the textbook for Thursday.
5) Buy the book "Into The Wild."
6) An ongoing assignment you have is to give serious thought to who you would like to interview. Remember, I must approve of your interviewee by 11/8.

Today: We discussed the syllabus, course/semester format, & semester projects/papers. You should have received a Syllabus, Group Presentation Outline, Semester Project Outline, & College Stadium Security Issues After 9/11 article. Our class has been moved. We will be in MH215 on Tuesday and then moving again to the classroom in Lakeside from Thursday on. It was good to meet all of you today; I look forward to a great semester.
1) You should all be ashamed that you did not know who Luciano Pavarotti was so read this. A little culture won't hurt you.
2) You couldn't come up with the 4 words that don't have words that rhyme with them so figure out what they are.
3) Read the USA Today article and answer the 3 questions at the top of the article.
4) Read Chapter 1 in the textbook.
5) An ongoing assignment is deciding on what type of facility you will be designing for the semester project. Feel free to bounce ideas off of me.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Today: Today was a basic introduction day. We discussed the syllabus, the course/semester format, and semester assignments (projects/papers). I will spend some time at the beginning of class on Friday going over any questions you have regarding what we covered in class today. Nice job completing your 2 homework assignments. Gish (did I spell it right?) is pleased.

Homework: If you did not fill out a FERPA form on Saturday, you need to do so on Friday so see me either before or after class. If you did not return your syllabus receipt after class today you need to do so on Friday. Fridays discussion will be about what your biggest fear/worry/concern is regarding your college experience. Please bring this written to class.

Today: Today was a basic introduction day. I will work on knowing your names and will hopefully know everyone within the next 2 weeks. I handed out a syllabus, term paper proposal sheet, and topic analysis vs argument paper sheet. I will also distribute a group project/presentation outline on Friday. We discussed the syllabus, course/semester format, & semester assignments (quizzes, term paper/presentation, group presentation). I will spend some time at the beginning of class on Friday going over some of this again and will answer any questions you may have.

Homework: Be ready to discuss the best business (in your opinion) and the best CEO (again, in your opinion). The company and CEO need to be both active, although they do not need to be the same (you can choose a different business & CEO). Have 3 points to back up your choices. Ongoing homework is your term paper proposal. Think about what you want to research this semester. It should be a topic you are passionate about. Possibly a topic related to your major. The proposal is due on Friday 9/28. Your topic needs to be approved by me before you can begin your research. Feel free to bounce some ideas off me prior to the proposal due date.