Thursday, September 20, 2007


Today: I was not impressed with our discussion today. It was evident that the majority of you were not prepared to discuss the textbook material or the Into The Wild chapters. There were also a lot of side conversations going on during our small group discussion and our class discussion. This cannot continue, and if it does will only make the semester more laborious for you. It is my expectation that from now on you read the material prior to coming to class and then be ready to actively engage in a discussion in class.
We took Quiz #1 based on our previous class' discussion. Our discussion today focused on 3 main parts from Chapter 3:
A) What are the benefits from studying leisure history?
B) What are some factors that have influenced the development of the recreation movement in the 20th century?
C) What are some factors that will influence the development of the recreation movement in the 21st century?

Homework: Read and be ready to discuss Chapter 4. In addition, you are to write up a 1 page summary of the chapter and also a list of 5 main points that the chapter addresses. This is to be typed and turned in on Tuesday, & will count as a quiz grade. We will also divide into groups for the group presentation. Your groups should be made up of 5 people.

Today: Really good discussion today. Nice job. We took Quiz 2 and we finished discussing Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on 5 main points:
A) Job Description for FPU Director of Intramurals
B) Why is in-service training important and what should be the elements of an effective program?
C) Why is a rewards system essential to maintaining employee morale, & what are examples of intrinsic & extrinsic rewards?
D) What are the procedures for terminations by the employee & by the organization?
E) What should the procedures be for an employee reporting inappropriate behavior (sexual harassment)?

Homework: Read and be ready to discuss Chapter 3.

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