Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Today: Much better discussion today. Keep it going. We started discussing Chapter 4 from the textbook. You individually assessed your own personal leisure & non-leisure time as well as the activities that you do that fall into each category. When we discussed this activity as a group we learned that much of your leisure time is taken up with: naps, tv/computer, & socializing. We also learned that the main activities that take up your non-leisure time are: sleeping, school, & sports. We then turned our conversation to the main points that were addressed in the chapter. The 3 that we discussed were: leisure activities among college students, a decline in female participation in leisure activities, & the increase in the leisure industry.

Homework: Quiz #2 will take place on Thursday. It will be based on textbook Chapter 4 & Into The Wild Chapters 3 & 4. Remember to take a look at the study guide below, the class notes on WebCT, & to bring a Seinfeld trivia question. Don't forget that your first post for the Into The Wild Blog Assignment is due on October 2. Prior to class that day you need to have completed the assignment & emailed me your blog url. The set up of the blog should be from Chris McCandless' perspective (the main character), not from your own.

Quiz #2 Study Guide
-Into The Wild Chapters 3 & 4
-Recreational Participation Patterns: What activity is the most prevalent use of free time in the US?
-Leisure Participation Patterns of Women: What are the 3 factors that restrict the freedom of women with respect to leisure?
-Leisure In The US Economy: Annual spending on recreation in the US is between what and what?
-The Leisure Services Field: Careers in leisure services exist in what fields (6)? What are the 5 categories within the area of commercial recreation?
-According to a 2001 Durex Survey (PowerPoint Notes) what % of Americans claim to have sex daily?

Today: To go along with the beginning of Chapter 3 which discusses "Brainstorming" we did a group Survival Test exercise. The simulation was that your groups just survived a small plane crash in mid-January in Northern Canada. As survivors you have 2 main tasks: stay warm & attract attention. You managed to salvage 12 items and need to rank them in order of survival importance. I will announce he winning group on Thursday.

Homework: Quiz #3 based on Chapter 3 will be on Thursday. Check the study guide below as well as the class notes on WebCT.

Quiz #3 Outline
What are the 4 rules to Brainstorming?
What are the 8 categories of needs assessment information?
What are the 5 steps in the survey process?
What are the components of a needs assessment report?
What are the steps in the planning process?
What is the difference between standing plans & single-use plans?
What are the 2 essential characteristics of an objective?
What does SWOT stand for?
What is "perfectionism?"

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