Monday, October 6, 2008


-We began the sports & society portion of class by discussing why sports are given so much attention in our society. We viewed an ESPN SportsCentury clip and discussed the impact sports have had on our lives as well as on society.

-We will begin discussing the Children & Sports unit. Please develop some ideas in response to the questions I asked on the handout I gave you today.

-We discussed the first half of Drucker Chapter 5. Our discussion focused on the concept of management being about people and putting people first. The level of discussion on your part was poor. I felt like I was having a 3 way conversation with myself, Caroline, and Rob. Please be ready to do a better job on Wednesday.

-Be ready to discuss the 2nd half of Chapter 5.
-Review Google's 10 Golden Rules for knowledge workers & answer the following questions:
1) Which one do you think is most important? Why?
2) As a manager, what techniques would you implement to achieve the desired outcomes of the rule?

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