Wednesday, October 8, 2008


-For class on Friday, have the handout that I gave you in class on Monday filled out and be ready to discuss it. I will also be asking for an update from each of the 3 civic engagement groups.

-In class on Friday, will have our weekly quiz. It will cover the information in the study guide below. The homework assignment based on the Google list that I assigned in class on Monday will be due and discussed after the quiz. We will push back the Chapter 6 discussion to next week.

-What are the 3 questions that every person in an organization should be able to answer yes to?
-How did Alcoa put Drucker's ideas about putting people first into practice?
-Explain the difference between efficiency & effectiveness.
-What 3 things must management eb able to offer knowledge workers?
-Define the 3 types of employees that we discussed on Monday.
-What is the first question that an organization must answer when investing in people & knowledge?
-How does Whole Foods go about successfully finding the right people?
-Be able to explain Drucker's 5 rules for hiring people.
-Identify & explain 2 of Google's 10 golden rules for knowledge workers.

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