Monday, January 31, 2011


-As a whole, the class was sluggish today. Please come to class ready to discuss! Not just listen to me.
-We finished discussing the athletes & events that impacted society. We then discussed the 8 basic motives that drive people to consume sports. We also discussed the concepts of BIRGing & CORFing, the social identity theory, deep fans, and the difference between blue collar and white collar fans.

-Read textbook Chapter 1 and answer the following Chapter 1 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) Define "leisure."
2) Explain Neulinger's Paradigm.
3) Explain the Classical View of Leisure.
-For Friday read Into the Wild: Author's Note and Chapters 1 & 2.

-There were no new discussion questions due.
-We continued our discussion of the beer industry. We finished our discussion of the ancient beer history. We talked about "Reinheitsgebot," the German beer purity law. We talked about the history of Oktoberfest. We finished by talking about the history of the American beer industry and Yuengling, America's oldest operating brewery.

-Read Chapter 1 & answer the following Chapter 1 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) In your opinion, what are 3 companies that you feel are successful & why?
2) In your own words, explain what an entrepreneur is.
3) In your opinion, what characteristics are required for someone to be a successful entrepreneur?
4) State 3 benefits to entrepreneurship & explain each.
5) State 3 drawbacks to entrepreneurship & explain each.

-Chapter 1 Part C discussion questions due.
-We almost finished our discussion of Chapter 1. We talked about why the US ranks 24th out of 191 developed nations in healthy life expectancy. We discussed the leading causes of death in the US. We talked about the difference between physical activity & exercise. We discussed the 2 categories of physical fitness, and the national health objectives for 2010.

-Read Chapter 2 & answer the following Chapter 2 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) Our environment is not conducive to a healthy, physically active lifestyle. Why? What environmental factors influence physical activity? What environmental factors influence diet & nutrition?
2) What is "traffic-calming?"
3) What is "value marketing?"
4) Barriers to change: What are the most common reasons for people making unhealthy choices?

-NHL SBJ article discussion questions due.
-We discussed the NHL article.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 1. We discussed the 3 questions that a master plan can be used to answer. We discussed why the master-planning process must respond to changing needs. We discussed the most important aspect of site selection. We finished by discussing bidding.

-Read Chapter 2 & answer the following Chapter 2 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) What general problems can arise from a poorly designed sports facility?
2) To provide a reasonably safe environment, the manager of a sports facility is expected to carry out what 5 duties?
3) Common safety problems in sports facilities can usually be traced to what 2 primary causes?4) Explain the 2 types of access that need to be addressed when designing a sports facility?
5) Explain the difference between horizontal circulation control and vertical circulation control.
6) A facility that can be supervised efficiently is a great advantage for what 2 reasons?
-Read the following January 24-30 SBJ article & answer the following Discussion Questions:
"FC Dallas Takes Aim At 18-34 Year Olds" Page: 9
1) What team won the MLS Cup last year?
2) What games does the "Darby Pack" ticket plan target?
3) What is the name of the team's stadium?
4) Where did the club get 6 of its 25 ticketing employees?
5) What is the "All You Can Eat" season-ticket package?

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