Tuesday, April 10, 2012


-Chapter 8 discussion questions were due.
-You took Quiz #11.
-We discussed all of Chapter 8.

-Tom Reilly will bring in a current event for us to discuss next Tuesday.
-Read Chapter 12 & answer the following Discussion Questions for next Tuesday:
1) Define: stress, stressor, distress, eustress.
2) Explain the 3 stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome.
3) Define explanatory style & explain the 2 types.
4) Explain how "self-esteem" & "fighting spirit" can be used to deal with stress.
5) Explain the behavior characteristic differences between Type A, B, & C people.
6) What are the 5 steps to time management?
7) What is the "fight or flight" stress coping mechanism?

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