Wednesday, April 18, 2012


-Chapter 10 discussion questions 9-14 were due.
-We continued our discussion of Chapter 10 by discussing the criteria that must be established for duty, & breach of duty.  We will finish this discussion on Friday.

-Matt Horan will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read the following SBJ articles & answer the Discussion Questions:
A) April 2-8, Page 12, "In New Spin On Store..."
1) What company is the Nationals' retail concessionaire?
2) The company is expanding the team store by what %?
3) Until the store reopens in May, what will the company set up to sell merchandise?
4) The redesigned store will have what at weekend games & high-profile dates?
5) What will the store have to display product images & videos?
6) The stadium will have an exclusive 1600-square-foot store for what?
B) April 9-15, Page 24, "The Clevelander..."
1) What are the Marlins offering at Marlins Park that no other MLB stadium offers?
2) What is the name of the South Beach nightclub that opened a location in left field at Marlins Park?
3) Depending on the opponent, how much do tickets to this club cost?
4) What is the Magnum?
5) What happens with the club 30 minutes after the game's final out?
6) When open to the public, what is the club's capacity?

-No new discussion questions were due.
-We continued our discussion of The Corporation Chapter 4 by discussing consumerism.

-Brett will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read The Corporation Chapter 5 & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) What is the largest education management organization in the US?
2) What is the only industry that has a larger segment of the American marketplace that education?
3) What is the "nag factor?"
4) Explain the 4 types of parents.
5) What is meant by "opportunity in devastation?"
6) How do corporations use "undercover marketing?"

-No new discussion questions were due.
-We continued our discussion of Chapter 8 by discussing guerrilla marketing.

-Susannah will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Textbook Chapter 10 discussion questions are due Friday.
-BUAB Chapter 12 discussion questions are due Friday.

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