Wednesday, October 17, 2012


-Chapter 5 discussion questions 1-7 were due.
-We began a discussion of Chapter 5 by taking a look at a case study of Apple & the MP3 industry.

-Brendan Martin will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Answer the following Chapter 5 Discussion Questions:
8) What does "AIO" stand for?
9) What is a lifestyle analysis?
10) Singles & young couples seem to be more willing to try what kind of products & brands?
11) What are empty nesters?
12) What is a reference group?
13) What is an opinion leader?
14) What are the steps in the adoption process?

-No new discussion questions were due.
-We continued our discussion of Unit 2 by looking at the socialization process.

-We will not be meeting in the cafe on Friday.  Go to the classroom and we will continue our discussion of Unit 2.
-I forgot to ask Emily to share her current event today so she can go on Friday.
-James Mullaney will bring in a current event for us to discuss next Monday.
-Blog Post #3 is due Friday.

-No new discussion questions were due.
-We continued our discussion of Drucker Chapter 4. Our discussion focused on the group survival exercise that we did on Monday and the concept of brainstorming.

-Brittany Lew will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Answer the following Drucker Chapter 5 Discussion Questions:
1) Fill in the blanks from the Drucker quote at the beginning of page 157. "Management is about _________. Its task is to make people capable of ___________, to make their strengths _____________ and their weaknesses ________________.
2) What 3 questions should everyone in an organization be able to answer "yes" to?
3) How did Alcoa put Drucker's ideas about putting people (employees) first into practice?
4) Between 1987 & 2000:
A) Alcoa's lost workday rate fell from 1.87 to how many days per 100 workers?
B) Productivity went up by a factor of what?
C) Quality issues fell by a factor of what?
5) By the end of 2000, Alcoa increased market value by what %?
6) In 2005 Alcoa's lost work-day rate was down to what?
7) What term did Drucker coin in the late 1950's?
8) What did Drucker use the above term to mean?
9) What is the difference between efficiency & effectiveness?
10) Today, knowledge & service workers together constitute just over what % of the US workforce?
11) What is Whole Foods method for successfully finding the right people?

-Chapter 4 discussion questions 1-7 were due.
-We, I mean I, attempted to begin a discussion of Chapter 4. These notes will not be posted on CampusWeb. If you were absent, you will need to get the notes from a classmate that was there, but more importantly, actually took notes.

-For the time being we will discontinue the current events discussion at the beginning of class, so Steven Hathaway does not need to bring in a current event for Friday.
-You are responsible for whatever I would have discussed if I was not interrupted today.
-Answer the following Chapter 4 Discussion Questions:
8) According to Mintzberg, what are the 5 major parts of the organization?
9) Define "organizational culture."
10) According to Milton-Smith's analysis, how did the IOC & SOCOG violate the values espoused by the Olympic Movement?
11) Define "organizational change."
12) What are the 4 stages of growth for organizations?

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