Wednesday, October 13, 2010


-Exam #2.

-Read Drucker Chapter 5 & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) What 3 questions should everyone in an organization be able to answer "yes" to?
2) How did Alcoa put Drucker's ideas about putting people first into practice?
3) In your opinion, what is the difference between efficiency & effectiveness?
4) In your opinion, what are the most effective ways for a manager to motivate his/her employees?
5) What are Drucker's 5 rules for hiring people?
6) What is Whole Foods method for successfully finding the right people?

-Textbook Chapter 4 discussion questions due.
-We continued our Sports & Education discussion. Today, we focused on the benefits & issues of organized youth sports.

-Answer the following round table discussion question for Friday: What is your biggest pet peeve?
-Read Chapter 14 & answer the following Discussion Questions for next Monday:
1) Look at Table 14.1 on page 472. For each of the 6 arguments made against interscholastic sports, I want you to agree/disagree with the claim and explain why.
2) Starting on page 502, the author discusses 4 major problems with college sports today. What are the problems? Why are they a problem? How can each problem be changed?
3) Read the following blog post done by a professor here at FPU, Franklin Pierce University: Change The Name? Do you agree with his message? Why/Why not?

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