Sunday, September 11, 2011


-To begin the discussion of our first Sports & Society Unit (The Sociology of Sport) we watched the documentary, 9 Innings From Ground Zero.
-The following discussion questions were assigned to go along with the film:
1) How did sports help in the healing process for NY & America after 9/11? Cite specific examples from the film.
2) In the film Diamondbacks pitcher Curt Schilling says, "They had to win those 3 games at their place to make it right." What did he mean?

-Before Friday's class, your first blog post is due. In 2 separate paragraphs, address the following:
1) Discuss 1 academic goal you have for college. How do you plan to accomplish it?
2) Discuss 1 social goal you have for college. How do you plan to accomplish it?
-Due for class on Wednesday:
A) Research the following athletes & teams. What was their social contribution outside of sport?
1) Jackie Robinson
2) 1999 FIFA Women's World Cup
3) Lance Armstrong
4) 1980 Olympics (USA vs Russia in hockey)
5) 1968 Olympics (Tommie Smith & John Carlos)
6) 1995 Rugby World Cup
B) Read the article, "What Makes Fans Tick."
C) Answer the following discussion questions:
1) Explain the 8 basic motives that drive people to be sports fans.
2) How does the "social identity theory" explain our attraction to spectator sports?
3) Explain the concepts of "BIRGing" and "CORFing."
4) What is a "Deep Fan?"
5) What are the differences between blue collar and white collar fans?
D) Read the article, "What Makes Fans Crazy About Sports."
E) Answer the following discussion questions:
1) What is the #1 "passion driver" of most NFL fans?
2) What is the #1 "passion driver" of most MLB fans?
3) Explain the following 3 groups of baseball fans:
A) Field of Dreamers
B) Team Obsessors
C) Family Connectors
4) What sports property had the largest U.S. fan base in 2009?
5) What sports property had the largest U.S. fan base in 2001?
6) Take the Octagon Passion Drivers quiz for football. Click here and answer the questions. Print out or write down your results.

-You were to have read TWIF Chapter 17 (pages 607-619) for today.
-The TWIF Chapter 17 discussion questions were due.
-We discussed the impact that 9/11 had on America over the last 10 years.
-We finished Drucker Chapter 1 by discussing the Silent Revolution.

-Rob Blanc will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read Drucker Chapter 2.
-Answer the following Drucker Chapter 2 Discussion Questions:
1) What does the author mean by, "the customer is in the driver's seat"?
2) In your opinion, what company does a great job at satisfying its customers' needs? Why?
3) What is Medtrnoic? The author states that Medtronic is a company that personifies Drucker's ideal of customer focus. How?
4) What are the 4 Drucker questions that a company should answer when connecting with its customer?
5) Drucker believes that there is never only one customer. What does he mean? How do the Girl Scouts of America fit this?
6) What is the online payment business owned by ebay? What is the Internet phone service owned by ebay?
7) Why is it important/helpful for organizations to identify noncustomers?
8) How did Apple figure out that its customers wanted a car charger for the iPod?

-You were to have read the article "The Games Go On" for class.
-The article discussion questions were due.
-We finished discussing the articles: "What Makes Fans Tick?" & "What Makes Fans Crazy About Sports?"
-As a way to illustrate how sports helped NY & America escape the events of 9/11, we began watching the documentary 9 Innings From Ground Zero.
-The following Discussion Questions were assigned to go along with the documentary:
1) How did sports help in the healing process for NY & America after 9/11? Cite specific examples from the film.
2) In the film Diamondbacks pitcher Curt Schilling says, "They had to win those 3 games at their place to make it right." What did he mean?

-Mikayla Colantonio will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read textbook Chapter 8.
-Answer the following Chapter 8 Discussion Questions:
1) Define the following terms: stress, stressor, distress, eustress.
2) How does Selye define stress?
3) Explain how state, nonspecifically induced changes, & specific syndrome contribute to Selye's stress definition.
4) What does GAS stand for?
5) Explain the 3 stages of GAS.

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