Wednesday, September 14, 2011


-For class today you should have completed the social significance of the athletes/teams that were listed on the blog on Monday.
-For class today you should have read the 2 articles that were posted on the blog on Monday & answered the accompanying discussion questions.
-We finished watching the documentary 9 Innings From Ground Zero & discussed the 2 discussion questions that were assigned for the film.

-Your first blog post is to be submitted before Friday's class. The topic was posted on Monday.
-For Friday's round-table discussion, answer the following question:
Looking forward to graduation day, if you could choose 1 word that you want to best represent your college career what would it be?
-We will meet in the cafe at 9:00 sharp on Friday.

-Drucker Chapter 2 discussion questions were due.
-We finished discussing Drucker Chapter 1 by talking about the Silent Revolution & what a "knowledge worker" is.

-Kirsti Bogaard will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-There are no new discussion questions due for Friday. We will discuss Drucker Chapter 2.

-Chapter 8 discussion questions were due.
-We continued watching the documentary 9 Innings From Ground Zero. You should have been answering the 2 discussion questions that were assigned on Monday to go along with the film.

-Mikayla Colantonio will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read Into The Wild: Author's Note & Chapter 1.
-There are no new discussion questions due on Friday. We will discuss the film & Chapter 8.

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