Tuesday, March 6, 2012


-Chapter 5 discussion questions 3-8 were due.
-You took Quiz #6.
-We continued our discussion of Chapter 5.  Our discussion focused on the epidemic of obesity & weight loss.

-Matt Horan will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Answer the following Chapter 5 Discussion Questions:
9) What is the Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) formula?
10) What is your EER?
11) What is the target caloric intake to lose weight formula?
12) What is your target caloric intake to lose weight?
13) What is the caloric expenditure (cal/lb/min) of the following activities:
A) Baseball
B) Golf
C) Running (7 min/mile)
D) Skating
E) Soccer
F) Wrestling
-read the following articles & answer the Discussion Questions:
A) Avoid The Afternoon Stress-Eating Binge
1) Why do simple carbohydrates provide an instant mood lift?
2) What are the problems with a simple carb overload?
3) What time of the day do most people have a lull?
4) What should be your twofold goal when it comes to eating to reduce stress?
5) Why are complex carbs better than simple carbs?
6) Why are crunchy raw vegetables great stress reducers?
7) Foods high in what kind of fatty acids help control unhealthy surges in stress hormones?
8) Foods rich in what vitamin not only reduce stress hormone levels but also boos the immune system?
9) What amino acid found primarily in green tea has a calming effect while helping to lower elevated blood pressure?
10) 10 Ways Your Job Can Hurt Your Heart
1) Prolonged sitting may cause a drop in what that normally break down fat?
2) What % of on-the-job deaths in police officers are due to cardiovascular disease?
3) What % of on-the-job deaths in firefighters are due to cardiovascular disease?
4) What are bus drivers more likely to have than other workers?
5) A person who works a job with rotating shifts is linked to a higher risk of what?
6) What is our circadian rhythms?
7) What laws do many states & cities in the US have in restaurants & bars?
8) People who work in transportation tunnels have a what % increased risk of heart-related death compared to the general public?
9) British civil servants who worked 11 or more hours a day compared with those only working 7 to 8 hours had a what % increased risk for coronary heart disease?
10) How many Americans were uninsured in 2010?
11) Older workers who lose their job through no fault of their own have more than double the risk for what as people who keep their jobs?

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